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Help me get 2 trophies.


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I need someone on PS3 to help me get 2 online trophies. I'm missing 3 for online and 3 for sp. The online ones are Backseat Driver and Decorated. For Decorated I need someone to sticky bomb kill 8 times for the sticky bomb award, and someone to play Target Grid at the Ammunation where I win by coloring all the targets in my color. Then I'll have the 2 awards I'm missing and the trophy should pop.

For Backseat Driver I need 3 other people to do a rally race with me. I just played a rally, a GTA rally to be exact, and I was the co-driver. We won but the trophy didn't pop. I guess it has to be a normal rally.


I'm not online right now. There's a slim chance I will be tomorrow. Otherwise I'll be online Monday at 21.00. PSN ID is JumpingKentFlash


Add me if you're willing to help me out. Thanks.

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Who cares about trophies

Me, and many other people, like the OP. So I gladly ask you to shut up.


I can help you, OP. If there's a very small chance of you logging on today, tell me because on weekends I'm always playing :v

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Who cares about trophies

Ask yourself, "did I answer the OP's question or address the concern he posted about?"


If the answer is no, then really, you didn't have to reply. Obviously you answered your own question with "the OP does."


As for the OP, sorry, I'm on an XBox and won't likely be around to help. Can't you get Decorated just by blowing up other players online? And where you have to color the targets, can't you also do that one yourself?


And the rally race is tough. Finding the right pairing who can communicate is tough. I don't like rally races, personally, so good luck there. ;)

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Normally I don't care for trophies, but this my favorite franchise by my favorite developer. And when I saw that I only had 6 trophies to go, I felt like I really needed to complete it all. I'm enjoying the online part very much and I'll soon hit level 75, so I can farm RR. It's not long until I'll get level 100. The only other two trophies that will take some time is Waste Management and Solid Gold Baby. Waste Management is gonna be a bore, but it's 3 hours max, and I'll have collected all the nuclear barrels. Solid Gold Baby is the cracker here. It's gonna be quite a while to get that, but on the other hand I've been looking for an excuse to replay some missions. I've only played through once so far. I'll play through the entire game again, but not until the game is about a year old. I have like 25 gold missions, so I've quite a ways to go. I'd just love to have that platinum trophy. The only plat I have now is for Trine 2, and that is one botched up trophy list.

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Normally I don't care for trophies, but this my favorite franchise by my favorite developer. And when I saw that I only had 6 trophies to go, I felt like I really needed to complete it all. I'm enjoying the online part very much and I'll soon hit level 75, so I can farm RR. It's not long until I'll get level 100. The only other two trophies that will take some time is Waste Management and Solid Gold Baby. Waste Management is gonna be a bore, but it's 3 hours max, and I'll have collected all the nuclear barrels. Solid Gold Baby is the cracker here. It's gonna be quite a while to get that, but on the other hand I've been looking for an excuse to replay some missions. I've only played through once so far. I'll play through the entire game again, but not until the game is about a year old. I have like 25 gold missions, so I've quite a ways to go. I'd just love to have that platinum trophy. The only plat I have now is for Trine 2, and that is one botched up trophy list.

but... but... but... what's it worth when you know you needed help to achieve it? are you just that vain that you'll present it to your friends as legit, or what other use is there to it? i can't see none. unless you're that good at self-deception that you can make yourself believe you actually earned it.

Edited by King S0lo
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If I had more time I could, im still trying to have somebody do the 7 set tennis thing with me :panic:

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Normally I don't care for trophies, but this my favorite franchise by my favorite developer. And when I saw that I only had 6 trophies to go, I felt like I really needed to complete it all. I'm enjoying the online part very much and I'll soon hit level 75, so I can farm RR. It's not long until I'll get level 100. The only other two trophies that will take some time is Waste Management and Solid Gold Baby. Waste Management is gonna be a bore, but it's 3 hours max, and I'll have collected all the nuclear barrels. Solid Gold Baby is the cracker here. It's gonna be quite a while to get that, but on the other hand I've been looking for an excuse to replay some missions. I've only played through once so far. I'll play through the entire game again, but not until the game is about a year old. I have like 25 gold missions, so I've quite a ways to go. I'd just love to have that platinum trophy. The only plat I have now is for Trine 2, and that is one botched up trophy list.

but... but... but... what's it worth when you know you needed help to achieve it? are you just that vain that you'll present it to your friends as legit, or what other use is there to it? i can't see none. unless you're that good at self-deception that you can make yourself believe you actually earned it.

Well you could say that, but if I got it, then who cares how? I bet there wasn't many people who got the GTA IV platinum completely legit either. Everyone needed boosting for the Auf Wiedersehen Petrovich trophy. As long as you're not modding to get it, then it's legit. At least that's how I feel about it.

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If you start a rally race, and the other guys leave it counts as a win and the trophy should pop up. Not sure if they fix it.

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Waste Management only took me like an hour and a half if I remember correctly.


I've got the rally trophy and helped others get it as well. The best way is to do a 1 lap race on Criminal Records, because it is super short and very popular so you'll get randoms joining your lobby. Turn catchup off and use a vehicle class where you have the best fully modded car available. If if looks like the other people in your lobby are also trying to get this trophy, make sure to return the favor by replaying the race and let them win.


As for 30 awards trophy, you should get this naturally on your way to level 100. You may need a few more. Either find someone to boost the tennis awards with you or just keep playing the game and you should have it in no time.


I'm the proud owner of the GTA V plat. It joins Red Dead Redemption, Far Cry 3, Resident Evil 5, The Walking Dead (easiest plat ever), and Borderlands as my only platinum trophies. I got one trophy away from plat on Uncharted, but trying to beat that game on Insane difficulty would probably put me into an uncontrollable rage and I'd smash my ps3 to bits and set my house on fire.

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Right. I managed to get Decorated, but that Backseat Driver one is a f*cking bitch. Nobody ever joins.

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I guess it could be the right time to get the trophy. I also need help on this one and i already have 2 other ppl with me. You could be the 4th. Add me on psn if interested.

PSN: kadmond

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