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Why won't my character get in my car?


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I will be standing by the drivers door nailing the button to get in and he turn around and run to a mini van or what ever is down the street. I almost have to be looking at the door though a scope to get in. And it's not just my cars it also other players cars as we'll. Any one else run into this?

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Your character doesn't like that car, trade for a new one. I get this once in a while(all the time in RR)just a weird bug.

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Your character is confused.

Sometimes you have to run around to other side to get in the car u want to when there's a few together. It happens occasionally to my characters too after hitting heavy on the bong and pounding down some pisswassers. ;)

Try changing your vehicle access to everyone. See if it makes a difference.

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Your character doesn't like that car, trade for a new one. I get this once in a while(all the time in RR)just a weird bug.

Doesn't matter which of my cars it is.

Your character is confused.

Sometimes you have to run around to other side to get in the car u want to when there's a few together. It happens occasionally to my characters too after hitting heavy on the bong and pounding down some pisswassers. ;)

Try changing your vehicle access to everyone. See if it makes a difference.

I've tried both doors, he still turns around and runs to another car. If I stand there and hold the button he finally will get in.

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It seems to me in RR I can't get in my car until an SUV of baddies shows up shooting at me

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Happens to me a lot in rr, I just make sure there's no cars close by and stand on the side behind the door then press enter and he gets in

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I actually played RR yesterday driving my adder instead of my Turismo. No problems with getting in that,WEIRD!

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Happens every once while it will tell me I don't have access to my own personal vehicle to fix it usually you just have to change vehicle access to everyone .

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