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His Purple Majesty


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Minnesota living legend....well, second to Bob Dylan of course... PRINCE, has shown up on TV recently twice, once on the sitcom New Girl. The other being Arsenio's return to late night talk show platform.


He wasn't very humorous per se on either, but he was sporting a very retro Afro on both!


I post this because during the Arsenio Hall special appearance (all of his ARE!), The audience was granted a Q and A, which seems somewhat staged, but I believe the first person mentioned it was Purple Rain's 30th anniversary? 1984 to 2014

We should celebrate, oddly, local media has been silent from what I've observed.


Such a landmark musical film and work of art however, I don't think he can top it because it's so personal.





Should note in the first Prince Forum link, mentions Candy Dulfer, she's also played with legendary band Pink Floyd, taking over the very important SAX role from that of Dick Perry!

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Woah spoiler alert! I'm not up to date on New Girl.


Next time use the tags dude. sh*t.

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There's no need for spoilers regarding Purple Rain is there? This is getting outta hand!

I'm not too big on the type of music that Bob Dylan or Prince make, I've supported the Twin Cities metal scene back in the heyday, and it had started before I was able to, back to when Prince was rising to fame in the early 1980s.


It was an excellent time for music, and we've seen that in plenty of places. Not to say there wasn't bad music or trends in any decade. I'd say of 80s poor trends, Prince really brought a breath of fresh air, and at a friend of the family we saw PR for the first time, I remember that.


Didn't seem like a local phenom either, even though it was, and there were direct references to REAL places we knew! Not that well at the time though, Lake Minnetonka is in the West suburbs however, and a lot of rich people live around that area, but it's easily accessible by anyone

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There's no need for spoilers regarding Purple Rain is there? This is getting outta hand!

I'm not too big on the type of music that Bob Dylan or Prince make, I've supported the Twin Cities metal scene back in the heyday, and it had started before I was able to, back to when Prince was rising to fame in the early 1980s.


It was an excellent time for music, and we've seen that in plenty of places. Not to say there wasn't bad music or trends in any decade. I'd say of 80s poor trends, Prince really brought a breath of fresh air, and at a friend of the family we saw PR for the first time, I remember that.


Didn't seem like a local phenom either, even though it was, and there were direct references to REAL places we knew! Not that well at the time though, Lake Minnetonka is in the West suburbs however, and a lot of rich people live around that area, but it's easily accessible by anyone

Bathe yourself in the waters of lake Minnetonka......


My buddy went to a concert at First ave last night and loved it. Prince would be proud :p never been there myself though.

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Prince doesn't seem very humorous in general in any way. In fact, he's a pretty big dick, but yeah I've listened to most of his albums at least once at some point, really great stuff. I remember when he released an album in the UK with one of the newspapers, lol. I won't lie, I bought the paper just for the album. It was decent.

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I believe Grand Slam in the Warehouse district was Prince's next stop from First Ave. Purple Rain was on VH1 Classic the other night, just caught the finale thanks to the Watchathon on Xfinity cable, I was caught up in the free seasons all week long, first timer! hahaha


The movie looks good. Found a site chronicling First Avenue live gigs booked since 1980, Prince was one of the first people to perform there at the turn of the decade, by 1985 metal acts were getting mentioned, but I'm sure they lost some of those records, because a major show I was at, at least one didn't appear in their online archive.

Grand Slam became another concert venue and then closed down, several clubs violated some law in one way shape or form and had to close. First Ave is still operating today but no real good shows there that I've seen. I used to go all the time, it's a great club, used to be a Grayhound bus terminal and started featuring shows in the 1970s

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Big Prince fan here - I have all his albums from 1978-1993, have most of his legendary 'B-sides', and saw him in concert during the Purple Rain & Lovesexy tours. I even have the infamous 'Black Album' on vinyl.


And yeah, he does act like a jerk (especially about not allowing his music on YouTube),

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Last night I saw Graffiti Bridge was on cable, that film was 1990, bringing back Prince as "The Kid" and Morris Day as well. Just can't hold a candle to Purple Rain though, it's hard to look at Prince with his 5'O Clock shadow in that one and not just laugh yourself silly.


What I found interesting was Glam Slam as one of the clubs, supposedly, that I recall Prince's move to a new club in the actual Cities near the Mississippi River, whereas First Avenue I tend to think is on the opposite side of MPLS.

I'm not sure I know the location correctly, but I did attend a number of rock shows at the venue, before they closed.

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Prince fans all over will be celebrating the 30th anniversary of one of the iconic LPs of the 80s. The movie was only fair (at best), but the soundtrack is one of the greatest ever. It catapulted Prince to superstardom, and was the high point of his career (even though 1999 was his best work, IMO).

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