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Rolling Stoned... BluRay looking back


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Recently two classic Stones concerts were remastered and released in the best quality available.

They aren't particularly new, but the Stones and the Beatles are of great importance, and I remember for me, personally, an A to Z radio broadcast highlighting all their songs in alphabetical order got me to really delve into the band, and later, the same happened for me with the Who.


Bootlegs come up if you're a serious fan and music collector, and the articles reviewing the shows mentions how the bootlegs wind up paling when compared to the remastered audio and video of these official releases. Hoping for much more, of course.


Stones boot site reference ^



Another thing that stands out about the 1978 concert is broadcasts on cable currently caused censors to blur out Mick Jagger's shirt which shows a Swastika and the intent was expected to be a nod to the burgeoning punk movement, as the Sex Pistols had just been spotted with the same shirt, as I think it stated in the above. For the cable broadcasts, they blur out the shirt like it was wholly obscene, whatever it was!

Edited by Slamman
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