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Fitting cars for each main character?

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If Michael, Franklin, and Trevor weren't being controlled by us, and in some other universe they were allowed to choose their own cars ( given they had a ton of money) what cars do you think they'd fill their four vehicle garage with?



I think Michael would probably get:


Grotti Carbonizarre

Pfister Comet


Coil Voltic


I think Franklin would get:


Bati 801


Elegy RH8

Vapid Dominator?



I think trevor would get :


I don't know what Trevor would get.

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- Hardtop Obey 9F - It was in the trailer, and it just sounds like something he would drive

- BeeJay XL - for his son, Jimmy

- Scorcher - Michael is sometimes seen cycling, so it seems odd this doesn't already spawn at his home

- Forgot the name, but it's the bike Jimmy uses.





- Bati 801RR

- Manana - Perhaps his old car when he was full CGF, before he got a proper job and bought his Buffalo


- Red Rapid GT - He used that car in the trailer, so I sort of assumed it was his.




- Sanchez

- Quadbike

- BF Dunebuggy

- Journey

Michael seems like the most classy of them all, so I'd say either a Super Diamond, Congoscenti Cabrio or a Benefactor Schafter


Franklin strikes me as the playboy wannabie rich kid, so I'd say a Vacca, Feltzer, Gauntlet and maybe a Daemon


Trevor would ride a fluffy pink rainbow teddy bear called Cecil.



















ibw1mu.jpg <3

Edited by InfernoV

I think a lot of Michael's and Franklin's car types would be similar, but Franklin would probably go for more flashy, fully modified versions. Michael's would be more classy and stock, and there would probably be some classics and a family vehicle or two. Franklin would also probably have muscle cars and bikes. Trevor would have muscle cars, off road vehicles of any kind and some beat up car he refuses to get rid of like a rusty Tornado with blood stains in the trunk.










Stinger GT





Bati 801

Elegy RH8

Tursimo R

Sabre Turbo


Baller II







Sabre Turbo



Dune Buggy


You guys have to remember that personal vehicles need to be four-door or at least the ability to carry four people.


I think R*'s choices for personal vehicles were nearly dead on. I can't picture Michael or Trevor with a more fitting vehicle than what they have. The one that I'm not too sure about is Franklin's Buffalo. It just doesn't seem to fit his style. and was he really getting paid enough to afford a vehicle like that?

Edited by killahmatic
Gnocchi Flip Flops

You guys have to remember that personal vehicles need to be four-door or at least the ability to carry four people.


I think R*'s choices for personal vehicles were nearly dead on. I can't picture Michael or Trevor with a more fitting vehicle than what they have. The one that I'm not too sure about is Franklin's Buffalo. It just doesn't seem to fit his style. and was he really getting paid enough to afford a vehicle like that?

My mom works with somebody who lives in a pretty ratchet area, but drives a brand new, black Dodge Charger R/T. I could've seen Trevor with a Rancher XL and Michael should've had an Oracle II.

Yeah, I see it all the time in my area(pretty ratchet). I've seen a few 7 series BMWs, S classes, a CLS, and guess what the most popular car is? Dodge Charger. The new Camaro is popular too. There's even a new Corvette in these apartments by my house and so is one of the 7s I was talking about.

  • Like 1
Gnocchi Flip Flops

Yeah, I see it all the time in my area(pretty ratchet). I've seen a few 7 series BMWs, S classes, a CLS, and guess what the most popular car is? Dodge Charger. The new Camaro is popular too. There's even a new Corvette in these apartments by my house and so is one of the 7s I was talking about.

Hell, I go to school near an upper middle class area and 7 series, S classes, and C7 Corvette's aren't too common. I do see a lot of new CLS's and Cayenne's though, not just the old ones. In the ghetto, I always see Jaguars, Cadillacs, and muscle cars with custom chrome rims. :/ Where do you live?


Mike would be an Oracle 2nd Gen or a Felon (non GT.)


Franklin's car (the buffalo) is actually great as is. Very fitting for him. Other than that I could see him rocking one of those old muscle cars.


Trevor would have the lower-end-but-still-nice sh*t. You know, rancher, bobcat, emperor, stanier, ect.


Least, that's how it is in my game.

Edited by lizardman563

Michael.. Either Oracle 2 or the Tailgater as usual.


Franklin.. well since hes young and sh*t the Buffalo is perfect for him and its one beautiful car anyway. Gonna get one irl sometime.. on the plus side (and bad side, too) they are rare as f*ck in germany.


Trevor.. well his bodhi fits perfectly too.

Edited by ..GhosT


You guys have to remember that personal vehicles need to be four-door or at least the ability to carry four people.


I think R*'s choices for personal vehicles were nearly dead on. I can't picture Michael or Trevor with a more fitting vehicle than what they have. The one that I'm not too sure about is Franklin's Buffalo. It just doesn't seem to fit his style. and was he really getting paid enough to afford a vehicle like that?

My mom works with somebody who lives in a pretty ratchet area, but drives a brand new, black Dodge Charger R/T. I could've seen Trevor with a Rancher XL and Michael should've had an Oracle II.



It's probably because Michael's wife already has an Übermacht, they did not give Michael one. Anyways, here is my complete future garage set up for a future playthrough (if you go obvious on 'the big one', your getaway car is permanently saved in the Arcadius Business Center parking lot):


  • Michael: blue primary, dark blue secondary white luster fully customized Tailgater, w black Porsche Turbo rims


Safehouse: light blue Infernus w' ultra blue luster matte grey stripe + Redwood Bati Custom



Red Monroe w' gold rims

Black Stinger GT (save editor)

Matte black Entity XF w' strong white luster (without spoiler)


Impound: Spacedocker, Kifflom F620


  • Franklin: Lava red fully customized Buffalo, lime green fully customized Bagger


Safehouse: Red Turismo R secondary color 'steel', carbon Cheetah rims + Carbon RS


Racing green w lime green luster Manana

Convertible dark steel w' ultra blue luster Coquette w matte black secondary

Matte yellow w' yellow luster Carbonizzare w' carbon hood, Ferrari rims

Matte purple Vacca w purple luster and customized to look like a Superleggera


Impound: Red Elegy, aluminium w blue luster Jester w secondary matte blue


  • Trevor: Wine red fully customized Bodhi


Safehouse: Torino red fully customized Sabre GT w matte black stripe + Orange flame fully customized Daemon


Matte black w' yellow luster fully customized Phoenix w' Torino red stripe

Midnight blue Sandking XL w secondary steel

Matte black Dominator w' ultra blue stripe

Light green Comet


Stripclub: Bronze/brown w' yellow luster Emperor w Cadillac rims cream colored roof + black steel w white luster Bullet


Impound: stickerbombed Asea (because Trevor is a hipster ;), Merryweather Mesa


Arcadius Business Center: Matte blue w' ultra pink luster Sultan RS w' gold roof and gold rally tuner rims


Franklin quick save in Grove Street: Sunset orange w' racing yellow luster 9F Convertible

Edited by gtaxpert


Yeah, I see it all the time in my area(pretty ratchet). I've seen a few 7 series BMWs, S classes, a CLS, and guess what the most popular car is? Dodge Charger. The new Camaro is popular too. There's even a new Corvette in these apartments by my house and so is one of the 7s I was talking about.

Hell, I go to school near an upper middle class area and 7 series, S classes, and C7 Corvette's aren't too common. I do see a lot of new CLS's and Cayenne's though, not just the old ones. In the ghetto, I always see Jaguars, Cadillacs, and muscle cars with custom chrome rims. :/ Where do you live?


I live near Sacramento California. Those cars aren't common here, but they standout when I see them. Especially when you see who's driving and where they're always parked.



and was he really getting paid enough to afford a vehicle like that?

My mom works with somebody who lives in a pretty ratchet area, but drives a brand new, black Dodge Charger R/T.


The amount you get paid is not based on where you live, its based on the job you have, and by all accounts, Franklin was hardly getting paid anything to repo cars.

I'd give each protagonist 6 vehicles, 2 stored in their home garage and six in their separate garage.


This is my current "set-up".





Home Garage.


• Ubermacht Oracle 2

• Benefactor Surano


Dedicated Garage.


• Pfister Comet

• Scorcher

• Truffade Adder

• Dewbauchee JB 700






Home Garage.


• Albany Buccaneer

• Pegassi Bati 801


Dedicated Garage.


• Obey 9F Cabrio

• Benefactor Dubsta

• Bravado Buffalo

• Pegassi Vacca






Home Garage.


• Vapid Peyote

• Western Deamon


Dedicated Garage.


• Sanchez

• Bravado Bison

• Karin Rebel

• Brute Camper

Edited by Raavi
  • Like 2

Michael- Tornado.


Franklin- Dominator.


Little Trev- Faggio.

  • Like 3
Sussus Amongus

Michael: Faggio


Franklin: Faggio


Trevor: Faggio

You beat me to it! NOOOOO! Ok i need an original list hmmm...


Michael: Obey 9F Cabrio, Dundary Regina, Cruiser, Declasse Roman's Taxi


Franklin: Pegassi Vacca, Pegassi Bati 801RR, Maibatsu Penumbra, Manana (forgot the manufacturer)


Trevor: Tommy Vercetrain, P-996 LAZER (from the airforce), Pink Faggio, Bravado Ratloader





















ibw1mu.jpg <3

How old are you mate?

Keep your panties on, its only a little joke. How about you try developing a sense of humour, maybe you can get some friends that way.


And to answer your question im 21

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