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Seriously i have had this happen tonight around 10 times within a few hours, i tried reinstalling the 1.11 but didn't fix sh*t for me.


They seriously need to fix this sh*t!

Am i the only one experiencing this or do more people have this?

Where does this problem originate? is this coming from my ps3/internet or w/e or does this have something to do with gta online itself?

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Rockstars idea of fixing one thing is breaking two things in the process.

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Bull, they patch a money glitch quick fast in a hurry, but when it comes to stuff like this, rockstar says "You can wait..."

Bet you if the cash cards system went down they'd be on it.

Edited by Marczone22
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Bull, they patch a money glitch quick fast in a hurry, but when it comes to stuff like this, rockstar says "You can wait..."

Bet you if the cash cards system went down they'd be on it.

it took them I think over a month to patch the iso mod problem. f*ck knows how long it took them to fix car duping, single player to multiplayer glitch etc. they fix nothing quick

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Bull, they patch a money glitch quick fast in a hurry, but when it comes to stuff like this, rockstar says "You can wait..."

Bet you if the cash cards system went down they'd be on it.

it took them I think over a month to patch the iso mod problem. f*ck knows how long it took them to fix car duping, single player to multiplayer glitch etc. they fix nothing quick


Point taken, I agree...but I still think if the cash cards went down they'd be on it.

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My ps3's done the hard freeze at least 6 times in the last day on GTA. Happened in freemode, job voting lobby, in the middle of my deathmatch, invite screen before a race. But the last time I was in freemode and there was some jackass telling everyone that he was in a glitch so we couldn't do sh*t... Then my ps3 froze AGAIN. Anyone else think there may be a connection between glitches and people's consoles freezing?

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it's a f*ckin annoying problem that makes me mad day by day.I join a party of my friend,my console freezes after few minutes.I join back to xboxlive,invite him to party,he joins and few minutes later his console freezes.When it's about hackers,they clear whole online world in one day but the f*cking game freezes everyday minimum 3 times but there is still no updates about this

Edited by dedeto
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grand theft spaghetti

i dont think its an accident. i think certain people know how to freeze the game as an escape.

last few times im online i will see one player get a few kills in a row and as soon as that person gets killed once everyone either leaves the session at the same time or my system will hard freeze.

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