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A very high KDR is a sign of an exploited/average skill player.


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I just want to get this started to see if you will come up with the reasons why this makes sense.


I will elaborate if flamed.

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level 1xx chasing lvl 4-15s and spawn killing them?


High KDR's usually means something like this, twankers, hackers, glitchers, all-around-douchebags.

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I only kill once ive been shot at or a friend is shot at yet i have a 2.56 kd your right ive been exploiting my fingers.

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I can hardly tell with most of them if they can even play; they're in a tank and quit just after you blow them up or just walk in pussy mode till they get one again. And if they're actually killing people with guns, it's against lvl 3's and run away when you come close. Only way to sometimes get them is to fake being afk;)

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I only kill once ive been shot at or a friend is shot at yet i have a 2.56 kd your right ive been exploiting my fingers.

I don't think 2.56 is considered "very high".


Very high would be a K/D of 10+.

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Ever heard of getting in a TANK and killing people, My friend whos a girl trolls kids with her Entity because you cant kill people through the back on that car she has 3.47 KD Lol

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I only kill once ive been shot at or a friend is shot at yet i have a 2.56 kd your right ive been exploiting my fingers.

I don't think 2.56 is considered "very high".


Very high would be a K/D of 10+.


Anything that high is a tank bitch who leaves or PM's as soon as their tank gets destroyed or a player who gets a couple of kills and then leaves or PM's as soon as they get killed.


Off Topic: Lol backwards driving ass bitchez get that rocket launcher up the ass. And they're paying for their own sh*t. My main character stays broke. I need ammo money, i'll play a quick RR.

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In gta very high is around 3 look at most peoples its around 1 or 0.60 now tell me whats the difference between 0.60 and 2.56 in any game involving guns :)

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I have a .61 kd ratio, jealous?

Edited by Flyby29
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In gta very high is around 3 look at most peoples its around 1 or 0.60 now tell me whats the difference between 0.60 and 2.56 in any game involving guns :)

Negative. I don't engage in fights unless a fight has been picked, and I'm around 2.4. I also never tank.

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In gta very high is around 3 look at most peoples its around 1 or 0.60 now tell me whats the difference between 0.60 and 2.56 in any game involving guns :)

Pretty sure the average is 1...


If you kill someone, someone else died. Meaning for every kill there is a death. For every death there is a kill

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In gta very high is around 3 look at most peoples its around 1 or 0.60 now tell me whats the difference between 0.60 and 2.56 in any game involving guns :)

Pretty sure the average is 1...


If you kill someone, someone else died. Meaning for every kill there is a death. For every death there is a kill

not everyone gets a kill and a death go into gta free roam games record everyones kd and come back not everyone gets a kill and then a death. Its almost always lots of kills or deaths
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KDR's are for codfags. please take your nerdness outta here please

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Legit 1.54 here. Not high at all but still----

No glitches, stand-ins, hacks, etc...

Just hours of Deathmatches.


2K more player kills than deaths.

I likey that stat.


Maintaining it as others get better is an entirely different story though.

If I ever reach 2.0 , it will be legit.

That I can guarantee.

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Legit 1.54 here. Not high at all but still----

No glitches, stand-ins, hacks, etc...

Just hours of Deathmatches.


2K more player kills than deaths.

I likey that stat.


Maintaining it as others get better is an entirely different story though.

If I ever reach 2.0 , it will be legit.

That I can guarantee.

1.598 is mine, used be 1.7 but I lost a lot of lives to a few tank griefers.

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high KD ratio = tanker or plain and simple god modder.


yesterday i played against a god modder with a KD ratio of 47

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I just want to get this started to see if you will come up with the reasons why this makes sense.


I will elaborate if flamed.


Anything above 3 or 4 is suspect if the person has more than 700-800 kills. They either glitched or just sit in a tank all day in freemode.


My kills are 99% with firearms and I don't wear body armor in free mode, ever. It is damn hard to get it up above 3 especially if you play deathmatches against anyone other than the blind.

Edited by handcuff_charlie
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Highest KD I've ever seen was 4729.00 when it came into the lobby, before it left it was a 4805.00 serial god mode user.

Edited by SteveNYC81
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I just want to get this started to see if you will come up with the reasons why this makes sense.


I will elaborate if flamed.

Nobody really cares about kill/death ratio. The only people who care about it, exploit it anyway..... it's the worst stat to keep track of and the worst stat to look at for another player.


If they have a good kill/death ratio, then they exploited (like you said).... if they don't have a good kill/death ratio, then they suck....


It's a Lose-Lose situation.

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Gettingblastedbyguysintheface4ever is back! How has life been in your mum's basement?

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