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moan and complain about getting your pv destroyed in freeroam thread.


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i created this thread so others and moan and complain about getting their personal cars blownup for no reason, ether by players with sticky bombs who blewup your car (and you for no reason) or by tank griefers.

i had two of my pv's blownup, the first one happened because i had a bounty (so that doesn't count, but the second time happened about an hour or two later while i was driving to a 24/7 store in my tornado convertible.

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I could care less if my vehicle gets blown up by another player... as long as they pay for it that is. If not, then you have to die. I'm getting my money back somehow.

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Some rank 40 bitch blew up my Rat Loader just to f*ck with me.


But why is everyone so bitchy about getting their PVs destroyed by others.

You don't have to pay for it!

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Some rank 40 bitch blew up my Rat Loader just to f*ck with me.


But why is everyone so bitchy about getting their PVs destroyed by others.

You don't have to pay for it!

not always, sometimes they blow your pv up and you get stuck with the bill.

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who cares .. its just a game lol

i care it cost me hard earned virtual money to replace my pv's. :lol:

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I routinely get sticky-bombed by randoms and exploded by tank wankers, sometimes in my PV, so indeed, I have a legitimate contribution to this thread.


But I will also turn it around. A few times, I have gotten into a fight on the street where I am on foot and some guy and a bunch of his asshole buddies are cruising in his PV, such as hanging off the side of a lime green Roosevelt for example, and they just keep circling to come back and kill me again and again. I have been lucky enough a couple of times, to hit them with my grenade launcher and take out the whole miserable lot in a nice satisfying explosion. I get the bill for the PV, but damn, it was worth it! :sly:

Edited by saintsrow
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I'd rather have my personal vehicle destroyed than impounded. It's not like I have to pay for it, I just call Mors Mutual, request personal vehicle, then it appears. Takes less than a minute.

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BoJack Cognac

I get so mad when players randomly blow up my 3 most-used vehicles.
The most expensive insurance for the 3 is $150.

About to go broke from this sh!t.

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You could be one of those weirdos that just sits in Invite-Only sessions all day.

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It's just unnecessary. Not that I care. Sticky bombing is a bit hackish. They need to decrease the aiming ability at higher speeds, imo.

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I really don't mind at all if my personal vehicle gets blown up. I do think it's stupid that people who move all their money to an alt don't have to pay for the insurance (they should go into debt and not be able to buy anything, if you ask me), but even then it's not like it costs much to pay it yourself.


Having to pick a car up from the impound lot is a pain though!

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I emptied my bank account and target personal vehicles with my jet. Aim your hate at me. -slaps a target on chest-

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So the other day, I was tooling around LS in my Buccanneer when some douche in an Adder decides to chase me. Eventually we ended up in the underground area of the Rockford Center and he pulls a sticky bomb out and tries to chuck it at me. I'm now on foot, with my trusty assault shotgun. I see him (still in his car) and I light him up.


Naturally, he dies, and in his haste to destroy my PV, he detonates his sticky bomb.


Sadly for him, his sticky didn't travel far enough and he blew up his own PV.


It was good day.

Edited by JohnGazman
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So the other day, I was tooling around LS in my Buccanneer when some douche in an Adder decides to chase me. Eventually we ended up in the underground area of the Rockford Center and he pulls a sticky bomb out and tries to chuck it at me. I'm now on foot, with my trusty assault shotgun. I see him (still in his car) and I light him up.


Naturally, he dies, and in his haste to destroy my PV, he detonates his sticky bomb.


Sadly for him, his sticky didn't travel far enough and he blew up his own PV.


It was good day.

was it a chrome adder?

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So the other day, I was tooling around LS in my Buccanneer when some douche in an Adder decides to chase me. Eventually we ended up in the underground area of the Rockford Center and he pulls a sticky bomb out and tries to chuck it at me. I'm now on foot, with my trusty assault shotgun. I see him (still in his car) and I light him up.


Naturally, he dies, and in his haste to destroy my PV, he detonates his sticky bomb.


Sadly for him, his sticky didn't travel far enough and he blew up his own PV.


It was good day.

was it a chrome adder?



I wish.


Dark Blue, white stripes and Orange rims. Which, to give him his dues, wasn't an awful combo. It certainly kicked the sh*t out of LOLCHROME.

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Blow up my PV, even if I have to pay or it, 95% of the time it's my Minivan or Sultan. Now I replaced my Hearse with a rusty Emperor... Blow that up and MM will probably pay me!

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Tanks seem to pay PV insurance now, even if they are stationary. Just found that out the expensive way. Pity, 'cos I'm in a public lobby with other players who are in a crew called "Wafen SS".

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Blow up my PV, even if I have to pay or it, 95% of the time it's my Minivan or Sultan. Now I replaced my Hearse with a rusty Emperor... Blow that up and MM will probably pay me!

well getting my sultan rs destroyed now costs the offender around $315 since i've upgraded it more last night.

Tanks seem to pay PV insurance now, even if they are stationary. Just found that out the expensive way. Pity, 'cos I'm in a public lobby with other players who are in a crew called "Wafen SS".

if its true then thanks rockstar.

i know not all tank owners are griefers.

i just think tank griefers need to pay for medical bills and pv replacement.

Edited by hugh750
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Blow up my PV, even if I have to pay or it, 95% of the time it's my Minivan or Sultan. Now I replaced my Hearse with a rusty Emperor... Blow that up and MM will probably pay me!

well getting my sultan rs destroyed now costs the offender around $315 since i've upgraded it more last night.

Tanks seem to pay PV insurance now, even if they are stationary. Just found that out the expensive way. Pity, 'cos I'm in a public lobby with other players who are in a crew called "Wafen SS".

if its true then thanks rockstar tank griefers need to pay for replacing pv's (i know not all tank owners are griefers, i just ment tank owners who repeatibly destroy other player's pv's or go on mass rampages through los santos in tanks).



In the case I have here, Rockstar need to make an exception.

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grand theft spaghetti

Tanks seem to pay PV insurance now, even if they are stationary. Just found that out the expensive way. Pity, 'cos I'm in a public lobby with other players who are in a crew called "Wafen SS".

no they dont. if its just parked with no one in it you might pay insurance if you blast it.


if your dumb enough to keep driving up to a tank trying to shoot/sticky bomb it with a pv then you deserve to pay your own bill. if your minding your own business and they blow you up they should pay. but the game cant tell the difference.

Edited by ijustcameheretobeeotch
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Tanks seem to pay PV insurance now, even if they are stationary. Just found that out the expensive way. Pity, 'cos I'm in a public lobby with other players who are in a crew called "Wafen SS".

no they dont. if its just parked with no one in it you might pay insurance if you blast it.



I just got hit with a $12,500 bill and a BS warning for doing that.

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Crunch McThornbody

I get pissed when someone destroys my PV and I have to pay for it, but not when they pay or I've got a bounty on me and I pay.


The tank thing, if they made it so every time a tank owner destroys a PV they have to pay, it would be a bad thing because high end car owners could purposely drive into the tank to make them pay. If they did it over and over with an Adder it could really eat into their money.

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Tanks seem to pay PV insurance now, even if they are stationary. Just found that out the expensive way. Pity, 'cos I'm in a public lobby with other players who are in a crew called "Wafen SS".

no they dont. if its just parked with no one in it you might pay insurance if you blast it.


if your dumb enough to keep driving up to a tank trying to shoot/sticky bomb it with a pv then you deserve to pay your own bill. if your minding your own business and they blow you up they should pay. but the game cant tell the difference.


90% of the time i am minding my own business. :lol:

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The only annoyance is calling mors and then my mechanic to bring it back to me. Nothing i have costs any more than about 3k

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