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[GTAO] Top Gear Stunts!

Aero Dynamo

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Aero Dynamo

So I just watched the latest TOP GEAR Burma Special. I was just checking out some Reviews on Google and I Stumbled upon some Top 10 Stunts on Topgear. Obviously being a Petrol head myself I clicked on the link. Most of the stunts I have seen already and I thought, Why not re-enact it in GTA 5? I mean all the vehicles needed for the stunt are already in the game. Locations too can be found easily. We have {almost} the best of cars available. So why not? It will be Fun Afterall!

So I am here now and have selected 2 good stunts we could do. All I need is someone who can record them and post them on Youtube or any other website and some people to do the stunts with me. So below are 2 stunts I thought are Suitable.

1: The Jump.


Things Needed: The Sultan RS, Sanchez, Titan and a Suitable location in the Desert of GTA V.


People Needed: Drivers: 3, Video Recorder: 1, Backup: 1.


Stunt 1: In First Stunt we need 5 People. There will be 3 Drivers. One for the titan that could be me. One for the car and one for the Sanchez Bike. Then we need one guy who will record the stunt as he only needs to stand in one place and capture it. Then we will do it again and take a snapmatic picture like the original one. The remaining guy can co-ordinate the stunt.


2: The Race.



Things Needed: The Adder, Lazer Fighter Jet. Location would be the Sandy Shores Airfield.

Stunt 2: Drivers: 2, Video Recorder: 3 or 2.


Stunt 2: In Second Stunt we need A guy in the Jet and one in the Buggati/Adder. We need at least 2 or 3 Video Recorders. One will stand from the starting line. One in a chopper hovering above the runway and one guy at the end of the runway.


So Anyone Up for it? Give Feedback or Suggestion some good stunts in the comments below. If its better we may even try it out!

Edited by Aero Dynamo
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You on xbox or playstation?


Im in if you're on xbox and can work me in (I have a crazy work schedule)



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Aero Dynamo

You on xbox or playstation?


Im in if you're on xbox and can work me in (I have a crazy work schedule)




Xbox here too Mate! Cool so I can count you in! Have you done this before? Do you have a mic? You can invite a friend in provided he is useful and knows English, etc.

Edited by Aero Dynamo
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