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[PS3] HE Tennis v.1 & CarWars v.1 (need feedback please)


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Hello Everyone!




Thanks for taking the time to read my post.



I've been making races and deathmatches only for a few days now, trying to get better at it.



I've published 2 death match maps, that I've had a lot of fun with, I would like to get some more people to try them out, and let me know what I should add or remove from them.



Creator name: ContractPVP


HE Tennis v.1 & CarWars v.1


Link to my profile where you can find the links to add the jobs to your game. http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/member/contractpvp



basic descriptions:



HE Tennis v.1:

Type: DeathMatch

#of Players Min/Max: 2/2



In the tennis one, you should leave the settings as is. Its a spinoff of the old counter-strike map HE_Tennis. Tennis with grenades. (tip: Before you throw the grenade, cook it for a few seconds, this makes it easier to take out your opponent.)

Until the job creator, lets us specify team specific respawn points - where you respawn in this map is random on either side of the net.


CarWars v.1

Type: DeathMatch

#of Players Min/Max: 4/16

#of Teams: 4


In the carwars one - you can set it to unarmed or with weapons. I recommend, setting it to weapons, that can be used from a car. (pistols and smg's). If you set it to all weapons - most people will die before they reach the cars, and it will become a king of the hill type of deathmatch)


Hopefully in the future we will be able to adjust the stats of the items we use in our creators. In this map I would of loved to lower the car hitpoints so they explode easier. We can only hope!









Please leave me feedback here, on PSN Message (ContractPVP), or email ([email protected]).




Thanks everyone, I hope you enjoy my jobs.





















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