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What's the date in your online game?


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So the time evolution thread got me thinking, what month, day, year is it in your online universe?


GTA:O went online October 1, 2013 so assume that's when you started. Based on my time played as character, plus the time i lost from 2 other characters, my time in GTA:O is 50 days, 4 hours, so if 1 IRL day = 1440 minutes and 1 GTA day = 48 minutes, 1 IRL day of play time = roughly 30 days of GTA time. so i have ~ 1500 "GTA Days" of playtime or about 4 years and 40 days. :lol: so in my GTA world, it's roughly November 15, 2017 :lol:

Edited by blk95ta
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:lol: i can imagine it's been longer than that.....


I just had my name added to the list. i would be #27 on that list based on my current time of 46 days 23 hours played as character.

Edited by blk95ta
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but you have to factor in sleep... even then, for those people the clock doesn't have enough digits

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but you have to factor in sleep... even then, for those people the clock doesn't have enough digits


online has been out for roughly 170 days FWIW. 93 seems a bit extreme as it would equate to 12 hrs each day in GTA:O but i could see it. could be people sharing a character too.

Edited by blk95ta
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