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Why does this website always open the App Store and try make me download a stupid dragon game? Like I'm aware it's not relevant to the game

But it's getting really annoying tryin to read something and I'm being sent to the App Store every 2 mins

Anyone else have this?

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Never happened to me, maybe you're accidentally clicking ads?

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Bus Rider 1

Never happened to me, maybe you're accidentally clicking ads?

Best possible reason. There are a bunch of them here on the forum.

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There's only that add near the top of the screen

It always does it when I open a new thread :(


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Why does this website always open the App Store and try make me download a stupid dragon game? Like I'm aware it's not relevant to the game

But it's getting really annoying tryin to read something and I'm being sent to the App Store every 2 mins

Anyone else have this?

Are you using your iPhone? If so, you are probably clicking on ads.


Also, this should be moved to:


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I'm on an iPhone

The thing is it happens even when I don't click anything also

Only for this site

Also, I've deleted all my cookies and history

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Scroll to tbe bottom and click "full version" and it'll stop. I use an iPhone solved it for me but yes fbe problem is clicking ads.

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Yup this has been happening to me too, sometimes before the page has even loaded so I can't be accidentally clicking ads.


I also have the safari popup blocker enabled so that doesn't stop it happening.


Edit: it's just happened now, here's the app it takes you to



Edited by senormidget
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Thank The Lord it's not just me

Mines some dragon quest or age of dragons or something

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This keeps happening to me too and it's doing my f*cking head in.


It's caused by JavaScript on the website that is taking the user to the App Store.


The only thing I can suggest we do is not browse the forums on iPhone. Or whoever owns these forums to remove the JavaScript.

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Turn pop ups offfnrays.jpg

That doesn't work because it's a change of app, blocking pop-ups only blocks your browser from opening a new tab on its own, which isn't the issue because the bug is taking you to the App Store which isn't accessed from the browser but rather it's own app.


Scroll to tbe bottom and click "full version" and it'll stop. I use an iPhone solved it for me but yes fbe problem is clicking ads.

Nope, doesn't fix it at all actually. I've never used the mobile version because the entire interface for it is rubbish, yet I still get these advertisements for sh*tty apps. I usually get it when I'm reading a post and not even clicking the screen, so that eliminates me accidentally tapping on one of the advertisements.


C'mon Tank, I can deal with the little banne at the top and even the full advertisement box next to the first post in a thread, but taking me to the App Store isn't cool, needs to get fixed guys.

Edited by Linc.
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It's not the forum doing it - it's one (or more) of the adverts. Unfortunately it's hard to work out which one. I've noticed it on a few different sites on my phone (don't actually browse here on my mobile).

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