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Rally Race, need 2-3 people PS3


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In need of two, maybe 3 people for a rally race or two. I have the backseat driver trophy but need to win a rally race as the driver, and somebody else I know needs the same thing I think, for the Numero Uno trophy.


So if you're up for this let me know here, and let me know if you can get anybody else who would help. If you need to be driver or co driver it's fine, we will trade. We'll play Criminal Records so we get it done fast.


I don't have a mic but we can easily connect through the chat system.



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Psn: Godeater2112 I need the navigator and wins in general...

I'm gonna add you when I get on soon. Just need 1 or 2 more.

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We need 1 person, online now


AndrewLaker23 - PSN

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