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Stats recording?


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Is it just me or does Rockstar's stats not record properly?

I know with some things there is a bit of a delay but take this situation for example.

I have 100% game completion, actually within 2 months of release of the game, done everything i can do but now am trying to go for all my online platinum awards. many of them record properly like the shotgun kills, i still need those and they do tally up, got every other weapon done. but...

my created races for example, ive made 50 races now and saved and published them, we play them a lot, i noticed 3 weeks ago that i had only had something like 53 community plays on them and a few thousand likes, ive been watching this everyday and nothing changed (daily), a week ago i checked and saw my community plays are now at 540 some odd and a total of almost 4 million likes...

since then myself and friends/crew members have really jammed my created races as they are awesome but nothing has changed again, do these stats maybe change once a month or what? so frustrating when you are trying to advertise your stuff, get it out there and monitor the stats when they dont record daily.

Also i notice that my award for opening your parachute up below 130ft and landing safely just isnt recording but im doing them all the time, this is amongst a good few other awards that dont seem to register, whats the use of awards and stats if they not going to work properly.

Is anyone else having issues like this?

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I've had problems with grenade, RPG and car bomb kills not registering. The community plays and likes for created content are also sometimes bugged as what I've heard, but work fine for me.


Also I quess that the community likes on your content counts one/user/job. So if one of your friends likes 50 times your single race, that counts only for one.


edit. also the unique jumps stats are bugged, etc...

Edited by Bolatsi
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