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More Fighters


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As a Flying Fanatic, I like to fly the Vesta, Lazer, and Duster, but when I do dogfights, its usually boring cause everyone's firing missiles and its easy to dodge them. We need more fighter planes, preferably vintage ones, like from WWII and WWI, where they had powerful guns and no one relied on rockets to win

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Love to see a flying fortress or a good old Lancaster bomber.


Give us a spitfire too but it must sound like one too!



Ooh... imagine if they decided to create a game like gta but set in the 1940s, not out fighting 'ze Germans' but the untold story of crime back in the US or UK while the real men were out fighting.

Edited by ChillerVapes
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Ooh... imagine if they decided to create a game like gta but set in the 1940s, not out fighting 'ze Germans' but the untold story of crime back in the US or UK while the real men were out fighting.

Stay on the ground there son.. It's coming in 30 years.

A wise man once said- By expecting nothing, we don't get disappointed.

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