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"Hacks" Again on Ps3 ?


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I saw a million dollar bounty again and a player was moving as fast as a jet, and suddenly my console froze, anyone with a similar experience ?

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The bounty would just register as a normal $9,000 bounty after claimed, so doesn't matter much at all. Console freezing was most likely because of the latest update, 1.11, It's been freezing on both platforms like hell and is beyond annoying.

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i encountered a modder a few days ago, he was flying an invincible jet until he crashed upside down into the side of a mountain, he got out and started teleporting around at fast speeds

its like the game cant render the player moving that fast

then he blew me up with a rocket smg

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Biohazard Abyss

I've only encountered 1 hacker that kept killing everyone on the map as soon as they respawn. Like we were all dying by invisible explosions. Passive mode countered it though, followed by leaving the session.

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They can also defy gravity by leaping over the fence at Ft Zancudo. They can turn the police off, and grief without any interruptions. I've been seeing more, I'm guessing they are cheaters pool parolees recently released.

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Grand Theft Auto Online would be so much better if Rockstar actually took it serious. It's more a test than an actual product.


Grand Theft Auto V is where it's at. That's their product. Not a test.

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I've yet to encounter a hack/ tank griefer post 1.11, must be lucky. Only issue i'm facing is the freezing bit

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dude you are right ,they are back

:panic: yes modders..yesterday my friend got a bounty of 100k by a player gt:jasnoor1903

I killed my friend but sad part is that i got only 9000$

the player left..and my friend got angry :cry:

i told him that i got only 9000$ but he dint believed me..

i checked the amount of bounty again by pressing start-info-notifications.....100k bounty on my friend :blink::blink::blink:

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I got killed as I was spawning inside my garage. Some asshole was in there with me and shooting. I reported him of course but still.

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Just have a look on the seven sins forum. Its so obvious that Rockstar never had and probably never will have control over the ISO modders. Its GTA IV online all over again.

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I've yet to encounter a hack/ tank griefer post 1.11, must be lucky. Only issue i'm facing is the freezing bit

Me too, although not had much of a chance to play lately.

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I just don't play due to this new bad sport thing.

I just don't wanna get troll reported by a large group. I hate companies who think if you get reported a lot than you must be a hacker.

Ever heard of a troll and his friends?


Though, when I do play, I meet lots of tanks sometimes, but not any hackers lately.

Edited by AdmiralAmmunation
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i have encountered hackers, i was attempting to blow up their car after they shot out my tire of my new Asea (when it was rare) and the bombs did nothing, so i ran home as quick as i could before they tried to retaliate,

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Me too, although not had much of a chance to play lately.


Yea, I haven't seen you online recently. Hope to see you soon! Our crew needs you

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Spotted 2 modders / cheaters a couple of hours ago.

(teleporting around, invincible, gatling shooting rockets, shotgun shooting water, also using Christmas DLC clothes etc..)


I didn't bother fighting them as this is pointless.
Went to my garage, recorded everything on video and reported them to Rockstar.

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as many may know, im classed as badsport, instead of escaping badsport, i have been playing in that lobby for a couple days now and have seen some amazing mods...


the best of them all is a mod that create what i can only describe as a carpet bomb.


the character makes the animation like if is throwing a grenade, but instead of a single explotion, its like if 15-20 grenades explode at once.


the other mod ill love to have legaly, is the rifle that fire "jet cannon" rounds, simply op!

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