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how to stop snapmatic pics being uploaded to crew page


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Since I've joined a crew every Snapmatic photo is automatically uploaded to my crew page. Some photos I take are just for me and have nothing to do with my crew. Plus I like to photograph cars I might be taking to a car meet. I want the car I choose to take to a meet to be a surprise. It's not much of a surprise if everybody in the crew has already seen the pic. Is there a way to stop Snapmatic pics from automatically being uploaded to my crew page.

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Since I've joined a crew every Snapmatic photo is automatically uploaded to my crew page. Some photos I take are just for me and have nothing to do with my crew. Plus I like to photograph cars I might be taking to a car meet. I want the car I choose to take to a meet to be a surprise. It's not much of a surprise if everybody in the crew has already seen the pic. Is there a way to stop Snapmatic pics from automatically being uploaded to my crew page.

Switch your active crew before you go out to take pictures... baring that learn to live with it.

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