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does your online character resemble you?

Legit Complainer

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Legit Complainer

so yea, does your gta online character look or dress anything like you? or does he/she look how you wish you looked irl instead? or did you simply just go batsh*t crazy and create a completely bizarre looking avatar? discuss.

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I'm not nearly as androgynous anymore, but the dress style is similar.


It's hard to be androgynous with a beard, but I like it, so meh.


I used to rock eye makeup, fishnets, and painted nails on the reg. And 3" black cherry platform boots :)

Edited by Grottesca
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so yea, does your gta online character look or dress anything like you? or does he/she look how you wish you looked irl instead? or did you simply just go batsh*t crazy and create a completely bizarre looking avatar? discuss.


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I'm not nearly as androgynous anymore, but the dress style is similar.


It's hard to be androgynous with a beard, but I like it, so meh.

Lol... you do know that 98% of the people here - who will read you reply - have no idea what androgynous means and will have to google it, right?



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I'm not nearly as androgynous anymore, but the dress style is similar.


It's hard to be androgynous with a beard, but I like it, so meh.

Lol... you do know that 98% of the people here - who will read you reply - have no idea what androgynous means and will have to google it, right?





I didn't think of that actually...




My God... <3


(I'd be his slave for the rest of my life...)



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Otherwise yes but im not black and I dont have corncrows lol.

I also look meaner and im much better looking then my avatar :colgate:

Edited by Bongsquirrel
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My character appearance and style both mimic mine irl. And my second character named myniggah is loosely based off my bro, which you guessed it is also my black character. Lol

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No, my character is a different gender and race than what I am.

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Body...no one is that generic.

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My guy looks a lot like me.

This gives me the idea to dress up like him and try and take a similar pic.

Sounds like a got to put on my cammos and stand in front of some rich guys car.

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Resembles me enough to the point where it affects my immersion, and I definitely only try to wear stuff that I would wear irl.


Sounds like a got to put on my cammos and stand in front of some rich guys car.

Haha, that sounds like it will go over extremely well

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I'm not nearly as androgynous anymore, but the dress style is similar.


It's hard to be androgynous with a beard, but I like it, so meh.

Lol... you do know that 98% of the people here - who will read you reply - have no idea what androgynous means and will have to google it, right?




What? I thought Ann Drogynous was a DJ? :*(



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Unfortunately no. I have long hair but my char has short :/ and more that don't look the same

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Tali vas Normandy

The characters don't come in blue skin. Nor top quality suits.

So no

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If Rockstar didn't force all characters to be ugly and I grew my goatee again I would look very similar.

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Nope, my online character resembles absolutely every other online character aside from skin tone, sex and clothing. The amazing creation system saw to that.

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Since we don't have weight sliders like Saints Row my guy in GTAO looks like me if I went on a diet. lol

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As close as I could get with that Heritage System and inability to change facial hair color.

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Not at all, except for the Skinny jeans/Fitted Caps that I dress my character... hipster swaggot

Edited by Gta-freak-VI
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At first my character looked a little too much like me.




So I made it a little more fun and less like killing myself over and over.



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No, first time round I picked the grand parents that looked the most

like mine and he ended up nothing like me. I changed him at 1:07, I think ,cause he ended up with constant eye liner?!

Second time round I just kept hitting random til I got one who looked half decent.

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