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seriously, did they change something about the jester?


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i haven't played much gta at all this weak, really, the past few weeks, maybe a few hours here and there

anyway, did they change the jesters steering? i swear it used to turn like a dream but now it understeers just as much as the rapid GT, and its getting really annoying


anyone else notice something different? there has to have been a change

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Nope, you are just misusing it.


Seriously though, it handles the same as it did on release.

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it really feels different to me lol

i guess i just forgot how it handled

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i have no hands



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Understeer is underrated as you are able to keep your rpm's up in the turn and are less likely to scrub the tires.

A proper line is slow in and fast out.

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Understeer is underrated as you are able to keep your rpm's up in the turn and are less likely to scrub the tires.

A proper line is slow in and fast out.

More like a proper line is fast in, faster out
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same thing happened to me with my coquette a few months back

maybe it was just a bug for the time being then, i guess ill check it out later today to see if it went back to how i remember it

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Different tracks, different days, sometimes you're just not "on it" like another day and for whatever reason a car might feel "off". Had it happen many times - I actually try to have a couple of the Sports & Supercars for different styles of driving (over or understeery) so if I'm struggling with one I switch to the other.

Edited by Jimrod
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Handles the same as before, no differences caught my eye. Had mine out during a session tonight and It handled like a dream, as the first day It came out.

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Biohazard Abyss










Alright I'll stop before I get a warning

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sometimes a bit of lag causes the driving to act really odd.

And enough of Bert. It's ninja banana!


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Had the Jester since it first came out, use it all the time in freeroam and it hasn't changed..

But in races (and i'm not poop at racing) i use the Elegy and i could swear that sometimes it handles like a differnt car altogether.. Then next race it's back to normal... Weird...


I have noticed that in racing if catchup is on depending what position you are in the car seems to handle different also...

Edited by Cokecan72
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Had the Jester since it first came out, use it all the time in freeroam and it hasn't changed..


But in races (and i'm not poop at racing) i use the Elegy and i could swear that sometimes it handles like a differnt car altogether.. Then next race it's back to normal... Weird...


I have noticed that in racing if catchup is on depending what position you are in the car seems to handle different also...

I notice in both races and missions cars act way differently than in freeroam.

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I have noticed that in racing if catchup is on depending what position you are in the car seems to handle different also...


Yeah, if you're out front you're slowed so your racing lines all get screwed and you drive into corners/lampposts. I wish they'd just add an "equalize stats" option to make the races really fair.

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i haven't played much gta at all this weak, really, the past few weeks, maybe a few hours here and there

anyway, did they change the jesters steering? i swear it used to turn like a dream but now it understeers just as much as the rapid GT, and its getting really annoying


anyone else notice something different? there has to have been a change

I kinda felt the same thing after been playing second character and driving Infernus for a week. Then took out my Jester and it felt so weird like it went all over the place. Also the breaks feels strange too me not only on the Jester that is. Sometimes a car will stop instantly and sometimes you crash into stuff because it dont seem to break at all. Dont know if its lag or just me.

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All these gifs made my phone lag bad lol


OT the jester does feel different to me, it feels like it turns like the coquette now, which isnt really a good thing

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If I wasn't on mobile, I'd jump on the bandwagon because I need a laugh this morning...

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I have the jester all maxed out and Im thinking about selling it, it feels like te elegy to drive and I got rid of that one. I much prefer the coquette and the carbo. Must be a RWD vs AWD or something.

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