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Have You Considered a Vacation Away from Los Santos, Yet?


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After some recent peculiar experiences online (being killed in my own garage, seeing a player's blip appear in two parts of the map at once (one with a bounty, no less!), having a guy pick me up and drive me to his garage where he sold the apartment with me inside (LOL!!), and of course, the "godlike" Content Creator prop spawners, littering the experience of other players by putting up barricades and ramps all over the city), I realized that perhaps, for me, it's time to take a brief step back from GTA V and explore other things, both in real life and in video games.

I was a big fan of Skyrim and maybe will go back and start a new game. I expect when The Elder Scrolls Online comes around in a few weeks, Bethesda is going to see it's fair share of glitchers, modders, hackers, and cheaters, as well. Good luck, as I have no intention to go that route!

But I'm curious if anyone else has though about taking a break from this game, for whatever reasons?

I mean, I play almost nightly and at level 110 now, I'm comfortable stepping away for a spell.

How often do you play? Would stepping away give you any benefit?

And if people did step away for a spell, what effect would it have?

Just thinking aloud and curious what others might think.

Cheers! ;)

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I will likely take a break later this Spring for Watch Dogs assuming it turns out okay, story and gameplay wise (I'm not much of a graphics-whore so don't give me that crap).

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Not really played over the last few weeks as i've been away and mega busy, but Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes is out now

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There's a good chance I'll be taking a break when The Elder Scrolls: Online comes out even though my opinion of it is already poor, because I'm a masochist through and through. Other than that, not really given any thought to it.

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I will likely play GTA Online until Destiny comes out. I just got titanfall but I'm still finding myself playing GTA Online instead lol.

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Yeah, pretty soon here I will take some time off, Until the next update, probably. It's not because of glitchers or hostile players, I understand they are just the dregs of playing in such a large and diverse group of players. I remember when I watched the movie The Cable Guy in the theaters, there's a line by Jim Carrey;


The future is now! Soon every American home will integrate their television, phone and computer. You'll be able to visit the Louvre on one channel, or watch female wrestling on another. You can do your shopping at home, or play Mortal Kombat with a friend from Vietnam. There's no end to the possibilities!


I remember seeing that and thinking how crazy that would be... and now we live in an age where I hear complaints about playing with the f*cking French as frequently as reports of weird game bugs and I am just happy to be living in these times, assholes be damned.

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I put this game down a few weeks ago.


Between free games for gold and TitanFall, i'm good until the next update/dlc. And even then i'll probably just come back to see what they changed, fixed, taken away, and added.

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Biohazard Abyss

When I want to take a break I work on the campaign of Hitman Absolution.


Maybe a little Black Ops 2 here and there when I feel like getting hatemail and trolling people.

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I found mafia 2 at a used game store so ive been playing that for the past week

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When The Elder Scrolls Online comes out, I'll definitely be taking a break.


I'm taking a break from it right now and playing Skyrim, and only get on to play with my crew or just to mess around for a while every other day or so.

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I attempted to play Dragons Dogma not too long ago lol. 20 minutes later I was on GTA.

I did manage to take a day and play some 2k14 though.

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take a break from this site, your threads are pish

Which is why you read my thoughts and they stick in your brain like peanut butter until you break down and are forced, by will or nature or sex, to comment.


I appreciate the time you devote to my posts, despite the hard-guy disguise. :inlove:

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Sir Michael

MGS5: The Phantom Pain might draw me away for a while.


Star Wars: Battlefront will for sure, but idk when that's coming out...


Fallout 4 though... if that ever gets announced, bye bye social life.

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I'll definitely be taking a break for The Witcher 3.


And ryse, Forza, and watch dogs for when I finally get an xbox one.


And my new job. And jeep wrangler related activities with my friends who have jeep wranglers.

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so what was it like being in a sold apartment

Cold. And lonely. And yet, strangely compelling. ;)

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Biohazard Abyss

Star Wars: Battlefront will for sure, but idk when that's coming out...



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Sir Michael


Star Wars: Battlefront will for sure, but idk when that's coming out...




Yeahh..... ._.

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I've taken my breaks here and there, but I've been playing more than ever recently.


Probably because I no longer have to worry about money :)

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I take breaks every few weeks every now and again as I just get tired of playing the same game over and over.

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I play a few hours on the weekend, so I dont get bored with it. Been playing since release and i still enjoy the time I do play.

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I'm taking a Time Travel Vacation to Liberty City 2008-2009

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back to battlefield, where even the losing team are the best of good sports

this game is minuscule to any of the battlefield games when it comes to FUN, but that might just be the way i look at it


who knows, maybe someone enjoys a horrible community consisting of idiots that think the game is a huge deathmatch for tanks and explosive weapons

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back to battlefield, where even the losing team are the best of good sports

this game is minuscule to any of the battlefield games when it comes to FUN, but that might just be the way i look at it


who knows, maybe someone enjoys a horrible community consisting of idiots that think the game is a huge deathmatch for tanks and explosive weapons




Have you never played with a mic on or visited battlelog? :p

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back to battlefield, where even the losing team are the best of good sports

this game is minuscule to any of the battlefield games when it comes to FUN, but that might just be the way i look at it


who knows, maybe someone enjoys a horrible community consisting of idiots that think the game is a huge deathmatch for tanks and explosive weapons

And yet... here you are.

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back to battlefield, where even the losing team are the best of good sports

this game is minuscule to any of the battlefield games when it comes to FUN, but that might just be the way i look at it


who knows, maybe someone enjoys a horrible community consisting of idiots that think the game is a huge deathmatch for tanks and explosive weapons




Have you never played with a mic on or visited battlelog? :p


yeah i used battlelog for awhile lol, i never actually played battlefield with a mic EVER but i still manage to communicate well with teammates by spamming CAPTURE THIS OBJECTIVE or DEFEND THAT POSITION all the time

honestly bf3 has become so easy to me that i can usually lone wolf it most of the time unless some armor rolls up on me

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