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Can't shoot players in free roam?


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Lately, I have been unable to shoot at players in free roam. They are not in passive mode, they are not doing any missions, they are no blinking/flashing.


When I move my corsshair over the player my weapon refuses to shoot. But they are able to pull out their weapon a bit later and shoot and kill me. What's going on?


Edit: This doesn't happen with every player of course, just from time to time. Could it be that the player is actually in passive mode, but are not just being displayed as being in passive mode?

Edited by Acceptable
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Sounds like your in a gang attack area, if it is happening all over the map it sounds like a major error. Submit a ticket to rockstar or deleting your space files is your best bet.

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Edit: This doesn't happen with every player of course, just from time to time. Could it be that the player is actually in passive mode, but are not just being displayed as being in passive mode?


This is exactly what's happening, by the sounds of things. I often come across players whose dots don't show up as passive on the minimap, yet I can't lay a shot on them. Then, after a while, their dot becomes the passive mode circle with the line through it. I think it just sometimes takes a while for the minimap to update when people turn passive mode on.


The other possibility is that you're coming across people engaged in a gang attack. While they're in the gang attack, they don't show up as being in passive mode but you can't actually shoot at them (or blow them up) until they've completed the gang attack.

Edited by UnicornAssassin
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