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Invincibility cheat lasting forever


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So I was just recently messing around with cheats and activated the invincibility cheat, messed around until it ran out and then hijacked a 747 (without reactivating the cheat) and as I attempted to back away from the building, the police got under the landing gear which resulted in the plane exploding, but to my surprise, I wasn't dead, so I went and stole another 747 and this time, crashed it on purpose and still no death so then I just stood in the cops line of fire and still nothing, you get the point. And remember, the timer ran out on the invincibility cheat before I stole the first 747.

Has anyone else noticed this? I don't know if it is a glitch or if Rockstar secretly patched this in but either way, i'm happy.

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I don't think they patched this, but enjoy it while it lasts, because having a f*cking timer on an invincibility cheat is just idiotic.

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I don't think they patched this, but enjoy it while it lasts, because having a f*cking timer on an invincibility cheat is just idiotic.





I mean who the f*ck senselessly thought "Hey, what if we add a INVINCIBILITY cheat, but.... with a TIMER!"


Now if OP has tested this various times, this might mean they finally patched it and made it a proper cheat with no timer! :)

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So I was just recently messing around with cheats and activated the invincibility cheat, messed around until it ran out and then hijacked a 747 (without reactivating the cheat) and as I attempted to back away from the building, the police got under the landing gear which resulted in the plane exploding, but to my surprise, I wasn't dead, so I went and stole another 747 and this time, crashed it on purpose and still no death so then I just stood in the cops line of fire and still nothing, you get the point. And remember, the timer ran out on the invincibility cheat before I stole the first 747.

Has anyone else noticed this? I don't know if it is a glitch or if Rockstar secretly patched this in but either way, i'm happy.

If this works all the time, you Sir, are a legend. So do you activate the invincibility cheat; let it run out; then crash the plane into the ground?
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So I was just recently messing around with cheats and activated the invincibility cheat, messed around until it ran out and then hijacked a 747 (without reactivating the cheat) and as I attempted to back away from the building, the police got under the landing gear which resulted in the plane exploding, but to my surprise, I wasn't dead, so I went and stole another 747 and this time, crashed it on purpose and still no death so then I just stood in the cops line of fire and still nothing, you get the point. And remember, the timer ran out on the invincibility cheat before I stole the first 747.

Has anyone else noticed this? I don't know if it is a glitch or if Rockstar secretly patched this in but either way, i'm happy.

If this works all the time, you Sir, are a legend. So do you activate the invincibility cheat; let it run out; then crash the plane into the ground?


No, I never got the plane off the ground, it blew up because there were too many cops shooting at it and I was attempting to taxi it over them. Anyway, I don't if it was a one time only glitch or if Rockstar secretly patched it, I will try again later on.

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So I was just recently messing around with cheats and activated the invincibility cheat, messed around until it ran out and then hijacked a 747 (without reactivating the cheat) and as I attempted to back away from the building, the police got under the landing gear which resulted in the plane exploding, but to my surprise, I wasn't dead, so I went and stole another 747 and this time, crashed it on purpose and still no death so then I just stood in the cops line of fire and still nothing, you get the point. And remember, the timer ran out on the invincibility cheat before I stole the first 747.

Has anyone else noticed this? I don't know if it is a glitch or if Rockstar secretly patched this in but either way, i'm happy.


If this works all the time, you Sir, are a legend. So do you activate the invincibility cheat; let it run out; then crash the plane into the ground?


No, I never got the plane off the ground, it blew up because there were too many cops shooting at it and I was attempting to taxi it over them. Anyway, I don't if it was a one time only glitch or if Rockstar secretly patched it, I will try again later on.

Cool, thanks. If that's what you did, I'll use the wanted level up cheat. That way the cops can blow up the plane for me.
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I just tried it and it didn't work. I activated the cheat, the timer ran out, I entered a 747, crashed it and died.

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I just tried it and it didn't work. I activated the cheat, the timer ran out, I entered a 747, crashed it and died.

I tried it as well, unfortunately, it didn't work. Unless I did something incorrectly.

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Officer Ronson

Well atleast im happy its actual Invincibility instead of San Andreas only ''invencibilty'' which only consists of being proof against gunfire, anything else and you die.


Still the game must of not had detected your timer run out.

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Well atleast im happy its actual Invincibility instead of San Andreas only ''invencibilty'' which only consists of being proof against gunfire, anything else and you die.


Still the game must of not had detected your timer run out.


Agreed on this, I much prefer having a limit to actual invincibility that having infinite partial invincibility, having a limit is probably better since leaving invincibility on for too long may result in serious glitches, that's what happened on Saints Row 2.


After trying again, I'm sad to see that this was a one time only glitch, at least it was fun while it lasted, and reactivating the cheat is not a pain anyway.

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Well atleast im happy its actual Invincibility instead of San Andreas only ''invencibilty'' which only consists of being proof against gunfire, anything else and you die.


Still the game must of not had detected your timer run out.


Agreed on this, I much prefer having a limit to actual invincibility that having infinite partial invincibility, having a limit is probably better since leaving invincibility on for too long may result in serious glitches, that's what happened on Saints Row 2.


After trying again, I'm sad to see that this was a one time only glitch, at least it was fun while it lasted, and reactivating the cheat is not a pain anyway.

Yeah, that's true. Besides, I've entered the cheat so many times, that I can memorise it.
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