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WTF? GTA O profile data deleted for no reason, but cars and money left


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The Profile Data wasn't deleted, it CHANGED the SocialClub account automaticly, for no reason!
Hey guys..


I just saw something really, really strange..


My friend randomly checked the Social Club pictures of GTA, and he wanted to look up to my pictures. But he didn't found them. So he searched my SC Name (BenBRZ, where i am Lvl 49,...) and he opened it. Everything he saw, is my signature. Everything else is deleted, for NO reason.


So he called me, and told me the story. I started GTA Online on my BenBRZ SocialClub account, and what happend? I've my cars and my garage, but no Guns, no cloths, NOTHING!!


I searched a bit more, and then i found the SC Profile BenjaminBRZ, which i created on the 1st Oct. for my primary PSN Account. But this one didn't work, because I wasn't 18 so I wasn't able to play GTA O; EVERY data was swiched from BenBRZ to BenjaminBRZ.




So people, this story sound very, very strange, but what can I do now? I love this game and enjoy it every day, but now, this happens for NO reason! I don't use gliches, and don't hack, so I don't see a reason why R* would ban me or something like that?




Edited by BenBRZ
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