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People Who Call You Out On Everything...


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Do any of you get called out on everything you do by a guy who's failing miserably at killing you?


Ive had numerous messages over the past couple of days from a guy who actually admitted to stalking my xbox profile to see when im online so he can join my session constantly. I think over the space of the time hes been attempting to hunt me down the scores been well over 40 in my favour and like 5 in his. The best part is; if i sit on a rooftop or use cover he instantly calls me out but contradicts himself by doing the exact same thing.. Its hilarious, it proper made for a good session laughing at the dumb sh*t and all the rage messages i got, some containing stuff about him going to rape my family and a message every time i killed him saying "pussy" bearing in mind i must have killed him way over 40 times and i got a message after each kill on him..


Moral of the story is, why do people on GTA feel the need to constantly message you if you pull off a good shot or just simply out play them? Makes no sense to me and the fact they seem to expect you to just stand there and let them spawn kill you with a tank or something also puzzles me haha. Spices up an average session either way.



Have any of you guys come across some seriously creepy people who go OTT on GTA with messages etc?

Edited by SoggyLuke
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Welcome to life where people complain about everything and never accept responsibility. Lol but yep some guy called me a loser when in fact he lost...people call me a cheater on probably half the online games I play.

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Who gives a sh*t what other people think? Let them rage.

I wouldn't say i do care tbh, makes a session more fun like i said but i never understood the lengths people will go on this game to make you feel as pissed off as them haha.

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Welcome to life where people complain about everything and never accept responsibility. Lol but yep some guy called me a loser when in fact he lost...people call me a cheater on probably half the online games I play.

Haha what i found funny was the amount of sh*t he kept splurring out again and again. He seriously had ran out of insults and valid arguments to my replies. When i joined a random session it was full of twankers and now that R* removed tank sniping i had to fight fire with fire, next thing i know hes in my session chasing me with a tank and i had to look twice at his username because i recognized it. Once i blew his tank up he called me a tank pussy and said i was sh*t for using a tank but he was in one also.. Guarantee i would have got a message saying "Pwnd ur pnk ass bitch" if he killed me the hypocrite lmao.

The best bit is i ditched the tank after and he had got another to hunt me down so once he arrived i eventually blew him up on foot (gives you a sense of how wank he is at GTA lol) After he went Ka'boom he just left.


I couldn't resist tormenting him one last time saying "aww where did you go?" im yet to get a reply hahaha

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From what I can gather, Douchebag Rule #1 is everyone is a pussy when doing something that someone else isn't doing at that exact same moment.

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