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So basically gta o is a free to play mobile game


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Yeah, don't need to buy GTA 5 to have access and all my friends and I always carry our xboxes and ps3s in our pants. Rooftop Rumbling in a Mickey D's right now, actually.



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No. Not at all... where is the "mobile" and "free"?

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It seems more like the multiplayer mode of a console game. But I guess I'm the minority here.

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Really? If that's the case, kindly show me some more FTP mobile games of this caliber.

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I think this thread should be locked as we aren't discussing opinions, rather a basic set of facts, which I will summarize for the benifit of OP;


A) GTA:O is not a mobile game.

B) GTA:O came with the purchase of GTA: V with no other methods of accessing it, so it cannot be considered free.



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