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(VC) Change Engine ? (VC)


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Hey everyone,


I saw a clip of GTA SOL and there was a Sentinel with a Linerunner Engine?

I know that it´s possible but how?



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you can swap the id's in default.ide in the game. he changed the sentinel's one with linerunner and vice-versa.

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i saw that you swapped FBI Rancher's id with FBI Washington. and its working.

Yes sir :p

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or just change the engine sound :p

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it can be done via memory address

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it can be done via memory address

Where can I find the memory address???? :O

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just open Cheat Engine and add 0x6AD1A0 as 4 byte integer and change the value to 269
and add 0x6AD1A4 as 1 byte integer and change the value to 5
you'll see what i mean
EDIT: It's the Landstalker (ID 130) sound engine so spawn the Landstalker or find it after change the value

Edited by Surya926
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just open Cheat Engine and add 0x6AD1A0 as 4 byte integer and change the value to 269

and add 0x6AD1A4 as 1 byte integer and change the value to 5

you'll see what i mean

EDIT: It's the Landstalker (ID 130) sound engine so spawn the Landstalker or find it after change the value

Where I have to add 0x6AD1A0 ?

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