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Can you buy two tanks?


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By accident I mean. Or 2 Buzzards, Mallards, whatever. Is it possible? If people don't know, maybe I'll experiment with a Seashark to find out.

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No, because you don't buy THE vehicle itself, you buy access to it. If you try to purchase them again, you'll get a message of the sort "Purchase failed, vehicle already unlocked."

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Why? If I may ask.

Because a million+ can be a lot to lose if I forget that I already bought something. Tank is just an easy example that everyone knows about.

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Why? If I may ask.

Because a million+ can be a lot to lose if I forget that I already bought something. Tank is just an easy example that everyone knows about.



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Why? If I may ask.

Because a million+ can be a lot to lose if I forget that I already bought something. Tank is just an easy example that everyone knows about.



It was a fair question.

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I honestly cant even think about why you would want to buy 2 tanks. Even if you could it would be extremely pointless since you can only use 1 Pegasis vehicle at a time.

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Why? If I may ask.

Because a million+ can be a lot to lose if I forget that I already bought something. Tank is just an easy example that everyone knows about.



Not if you're glitching money, and if you aren't all those hours you put into earning that million will not be forgotten easily.

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You can, all you need is a buddy to sit in your Pegasus vehicle, drive into Los Santos Customs then come back out. Your buddy will still be in your Pegasus vehicle, but you'll get a message saying your vehicle has been put into storage anyways. So you'll be able to call another ^-^

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You can try to hook it onto a cargo bob and dip it into the ocean while someone is in it. Then pegasus will t hink it's destroyed, then try calling for another tank.


That's the only way I can think of doing it. Unless they patched it

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