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Spotted Johnny's On The Spot!

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Aero Dynamo

So after being Fired from his job, He is Restless and Irritated. He has been reported roaming on the streets. He had been seen hanging around peoples garages. Some have even Reported Spotting him as far as Mount Chillad! Some Miss Him, Some Don't. Some Want to Kill Him, Some Want him Back. Some have Presumed him Dead, While Others Believe he has alive and will come back soon one day...


Well Recently I stumbled upon "Photographic Proof" that he is Alive but the weird thing is, He has been seen having fun with clones/relatives of him!




So if You see your Mechanic here and He Recently has not delivered your car, You now know what he is probably doing... Well Johnny tends to Hang Around the Beach Nowdays. So go do whatever you want to him. He is "Alive".


Edit: What do you think guys? What are they discussing?

Edited by Aero Dynamo
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