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best ramming car ?


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Hi guys and girls


I am looking for the best car possible to ram into other players cars.

I am looking for decent speed but mostly for a car that would send theirs fly away.


I was thinking of a nice van but they are incredibly slow and not very efficient for this kind of moves, maybe a good SUV ?


What would be your best car for this job ?

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Z type is pretty much a wrecking ball.



Cheetah or Tursimo can flip cars over if they are fully lowered.



Sand King for total ownership.

Edited by Vooodu
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Jackal is amazing at taking damage and keep on moving. If Im driving that I don't hesitate to ramming something. The HGV trucks are great also and without a back trailer they get upto speed pretty quick.

Edited by TomKongPhooey
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The Lonesome Drifter



There's a reason 3 police variants of it exist ;)

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There's a reason 3 police variants of it exist ;)

Reason enough..

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Sandking with the big ass front bumper or the Granger.


Preferably with a bunch of hooligans hangin off the side so they splatter all over the place on impact.

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Sandking with 100% Armor.


If you t-bone someone, you'll both flip and launch their car, and drive over it.

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If you bought the Roosevelt it's a perfect battering ram when fully upgraded performance wise.


It plows through police cars like nothing.

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judge dread 24

Sandking with just the tow hooks causes so much damage. Them 2 little hooks are killers to bodywork

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There's a reason 3 police variants of it exist ;)

What's the third? FIB, Sheriff, and what?


Edit: Never mind. I guess I don't really consider Park Rangers cops.

Edited by JamesPnell
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I had a fully upgraded bison. it took a while to hit top speed, but when it did I ploughed into a stationery vehicle and it flew. very satisfying and it could take a beating.

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With a sand king, I literally crushed a guy's Futo (by accident) as we both were speeding around a corner. Literally, his car was smoking, and had a huge dent in the side.

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Fully upgraded, it's a near unstoppable steam engine.

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Fully upgraded, it's a near unstoppable steam engine.



The insurance cost is too much tho.

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telling you guys mod a jackal out fully and ram it into anything. Not a fukking mark on it. It's a demon

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telling you guys mod a jackal out fully and ram it into anything. Not a fukking mark on it. It's a demon



Is the Jackal a coupe or a sedan? I forget. I need a new sedan...

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Sand king is good but it doesn't accerate that fast, the bison has a lot of weight and can accerlate decently when upgraded.

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Sand king is good but it doesn't accerate that fast, the bison has a lot of weight and can accerlate decently when upgraded.

Fully modded sandking does quite well thank you. Also if you leave the bumpers and fuel tanks off it still has great ground clearance even with suspension upgrades.

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Sand king is good but it doesn't accerate that fast, the bison has a lot of weight and can accerlate decently when upgraded.

Fully modded sandking does quite well thank you. Also if you leave the bumpers and fuel tanks off it still has great ground clearance even with suspension upgrades.Yeah I usally leave the fuel tanks off because the look ugly
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telling you guys mod a jackal out fully and ram it into anything. Not a fukking mark on it. It's a demon



Is the Jackal a coupe or a sedan? I forget. I need a new sedan...


I would call it a sedan but I think the game rates it as a coupe. It's a 4 door, above average on most things imo, and its a lovely looking car for a 4 door.

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