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GTAO: Screen Differences?

Aero Dynamo

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Aero Dynamo

Hey did anyone noticed this? My friend and I were playing in Free Roam. We were Running away from the cops and I was heading towards the beach. My friend was behind me and he was telling me which turn to take or not on his mic. So here comes a turn. I turn right, I was about to skid off but i managed to keep the car from not doing so and moved on.


Now here is the weird part, When i took a right, On my Friends Screen he saw that i had skidded and crashed into a pole or something. He started telling me to hurry up and follow him even though i was in front of him. I was surprised why he was saying that. Then Suddenly he said that my car appeared in front of him and disappeared from the crash spot. He said that i and nor he lagged. So what is the problem?


Anyone Noticed this before? Has it Happened to Anyone Else?

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Sounds like lag to me.


Either you, your friend or someone in the session was causing you to lag.

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Aero Dynamo

Sounds like lag to me.


Either you, your friend or someone in the session was causing you to lag.


We were in a Private Server. Mate. So no one was there that could make us lag.

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Soran Is On

yeah the game predicts where people will be. momentum+lag=weird crap.


the strangest thing is hitting a player, on your screen you knocked them over and they're ragdolling, on their screen they're still sprinting so you get this effect of a player ragdolling down the street at sprinting speed. Player tumbleweed until the lag goes away.


if you disappeared from one spot and appeared in front of him it was indeed lag.

Edited by stonedpimpso
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Sounds like lag to me.


Either you, your friend or someone in the session was causing you to lag.


We were in a Private Server. Mate. So no one was there that could make us lag.




you and your friend were there.... either one of you could cause lag...


you can check if it is your connection


definitely got the hallmarks of lag tho, and yes it happens alot.

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grand theft spaghetti

had one player all lagged out in a tank. you would see the tank for a second, then it disappears and fires a shot out of nowhere, pops back up and then disappears again to fire another mystery shot.


f-that last update. no new stuff and back to day one with lag and hard freezes.

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lag = when it slows down or bogs frame rates.


desync = when it gets out of sync with others causing things to happen like the OP and friend had seen.

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it's definitely lag but this game handles physics a bit wierd, which makes it even weirder than most games

I think the physics are done client side and that's why there can be such a difference between players

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it's definitely lag but this game handles physics a bit wierd, which makes it even weirder than most games

I think the physics are done client side and that's why there can be such a difference between players


Point me to a console game where physics are calculated server side please.


All physics are always calculated client side.

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Are you kidding me? Of course this is lag..... from your story, it sounds like your friend was the one lagging...... if he sees a car crash and then pop up in front of him out of nowhere.. THAT IS lag.... that is the definition of lag lol..... of course it's lag..... could be nothing but lag..... it's lag

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Biohazard Abyss



I played Rooftop Rumble with this random and our connections did not get along well at all. I got in his Entity to deliver the document. He crashed on my screen, and then we didn't move for like a whole minute. Then on my screen we teleported all the way to Madrazo's.

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lag = when it slows down or bogs frame rates.


desync = when it gets out of sync with others causing things to happen like the OP and friend had seen.


where did you pull this definition from??

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Happens plenty more when you're a passenger, but oddly rarely happens when you're driving a seperate vehicle

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Happens plenty more when you're a passenger, but oddly rarely happens when you're driving a seperate vehicle


yup, thats because of this






it's definitely lag but this game handles physics a bit wierd, which makes it even weirder than most games

I think the physics are done client side and that's why there can be such a difference between players


Point me to a console game where physics are calculated server side please.


All physics are always calculated client side.



as the physics are being calculated by the drivers console

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lag = when it slows down or bogs frame rates.


desync = when it gets out of sync with others causing things to happen like the OP and friend had seen.


where did you pull this definition from??



Jeez, it's almost like you didn't listen to the teacher of the internet gaming classes!

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definitely lag...


happen all the time with my bro, he often see me crashing into a pole, while im actually still driving just fine.



same thing happen when the jet fly really close to the ground, lag may cause your screen show that the jet crashed, while in reality he's still flying.

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It's very common, it's mostly just the connection. The game tries to go "OH THIS PROBABLY HAPPENED" and shows you how your friend crashes, then they pop up ahead where they actually are. Look at it like the game having the sync back up with what your friend is doing :D

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lag = when it slows down or bogs frame rates.


desync = when it gets out of sync with others causing things to happen like the OP and friend had seen.


where did you pull this definition from??



lag, to fail to maintain a speed or pace.


desync, to not move or operate at the same rate and exactly together.

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