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Member window pop up


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Whenever I use the little feature, when your mouse is over a member's name and their window pops up. Some of the options, like Find Content and Send Message are hidden; sometimes both depending if their Last Active is currently offline.






Speaking of Last Active/Currently. How come that feature isn't in the member's page and only in the member window?

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Tracksuit Hitman

It's been reported a few times in the past and nobody seems to be sure what's causing the problem. WBaker reported that everything worked properly after reinstalling Java, so I guess you could give that a try.


'Last Active' does show on member profiles, it's next to the member's online status and below the username and join date. It used to be that if you hovered over a member's online status on their profile you'd be able to see what they're currently doing/viewing; I'm not sure if that's still the case as none of these features work on an iPad, which I've been using to view GTAF for a while.

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Yea, I am up to date on java (7.51) and same problem


Ok, that works but I would rather show it underneath to where I can click on it and go to that topic.

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Tracksuit Hitman

I'm not sure then. Like I said, it doesn't seem like anybody knows why people are still having this problem. I guess it would have been fixed by now if somebody had worked out what was going on.


Well, I guess adding 'Currently: <link to topic>' on profiles wouldn't hurt, although I'd prefer a link to be added to the pop-up that you get when you hover over a member's online status on their profile. I'm no expert, but I can't see why that couldn't be implemented.

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I'm not sure then. Like I said, it doesn't seem like anybody knows why people are still having this problem. I guess it would have been fixed by now if somebody had worked out what was going on.


Well, I guess adding 'Currently: <link to topic>' on profiles wouldn't hurt, although I'd prefer a link to be added to the pop-up that you get when you hover over a member's online status on their profile. I'm no expert, but I can't see why that couldn't be implemented.



There already is, that's why I was bringing it up as to why its not in the member page as well.


Is no biggie but just an old feature I liked to use.

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Tracksuit Hitman

Oh, right. I have no idea, I've not even been able to view GTAF on a laptop or desktop for ages. I guess I'd like it to be added to the profile and not just be visible when you hover over something seen as though hovering doesn't work on an iPad or mobile although it never crossed my mind. I'm with you.

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