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Wallbreacher got me last night. Can anyone tell me how he got in here?


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Hello, I am a long time lurker here and this is my first post.


I am level 126 and have been playing since November. Still enjoy it and still come across new things.


Last night I was the victim of a new (to me) wall breach location. I landed my buzzard on top of the large shopping center and faced the very busy downtown LSC waiting for a bounty to come out of LSC. Another player drove thru the tunnel (not the one that ends in a stunt jump, the other one) below me and stopped at the end closest to LSC.


Next thing I know, he is blasting me thru the roof with his combat SMG. I run to the chopper and reach it just as an RPG emerges thru the roof taking me and my buzzard out.


I respawn and go passive, run down there and he is wall breaching right at the corner of the tunnel, shooting it out with the cops. I went up and down the area for 10 minutes trying to breach it so I could 'jerk' for him until he left. I could not find the sweet spot and eventually he left the lobby. I left my mic off as I often do now.


I have been all over these forums and se7ensins and can find no reference to this breach.


Anyone know where it is?


For the record, my intentions are two-fold. Primarily I find that knowledge is power and I like being able to thwart sissy wall breachers that camp and take pot shots unprovoked. BUT...I also use them myself regularly to lose wanted levels, spawn kill douches and hide while I go AFK.


Thanks for any help.

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There's an indentation in the right wall as you're going towards lsc. Park your car next to it, and jump off the top of it into the corner of the indentation, closest to lsc.

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Thank you, I will try that tonight. Strange that his parked car was not there though, likely the cops impounded it or someone dropped him off. It was a full lobby.


Thanks again for the help.

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The guy who was showing it to me said to do that, but it may be you can jump in from street level. Disclaimer: I never got in, as some invisible douche pulled up.

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There is another way to get into this but you need two people and a van.


You get in the back while your friend backs up the van to the shop on the corner or the street. Its the one with a curved front at the first intersection after turning right out of the tunnel.


All you need to do is get out the back on the van and you'll go through the wall.


I got caught by two guys using this yesterday, one was inside with a bounty and the other was defending it so no one could get in.

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There's one on a bridge over the freeway going into Downtown. Guy sat there with a bounty just killing everything in site including tanks. No idea how he got in and never seen another person using that one.

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There's one on a bridge over the freeway going into Downtown. Guy sat there with a bounty just killing everything in site including tanks. No idea how he got in and never seen another person using that one.

Is it like he's right under the street?

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I think he's talking about the bridge that goes to the LSC on the eastern part of the map. It has those little balconies on the side and you can climb inside the bridge on one of them.

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I think he's talking about the bridge that goes to the LSC on the eastern part of the map. It has those little balconies on the side and you can climb inside the bridge on one of them.

That's what I thought, but that is over the canal, not the interstate. There is one next to the coliseum building that I've seen people in. Haven't seen them in there in some time.

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I think he's talking about the bridge that goes to the LSC on the eastern part of the map. It has those little balconies on the side and you can climb inside the bridge on one of them.

That's what I thought, but that is over the canal, not the interstate. There is one next to the coliseum building that I've seen people in. Haven't seen them in there in some time.



No, the bridge that connect LSC to Downtown. It goes right over the freeway that runs North/South.

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There's one on a bridge over the freeway going into Downtown. Guy sat there with a bounty just killing everything in site including tanks. No idea how he got in and never seen another person using that one.

Is it like he's right under the street?


Yea, it's like he's on the freeway shooting up and through the road.

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There's one on a bridge over the freeway going into Downtown. Guy sat there with a bounty just killing everything in site including tanks. No idea how he got in and never seen another person using that one.

Is it like he's right under the street?


Yes I saw someone using this yesterday was killing all the other players who went there and yeah they got me too.

Reported that bastard!

Edited by Bongsquirrel
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Yea, it's like he's on the freeway shooting up and through the road.

I've seen it. Have a buddy who knows most, if not all of em. Will report back.

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On the east side of that street, there's a ledge with a railing. You jump down on that ledge, then walk south into the wall (running helps). Follow the sidewalk north to the lamppost, then out into the street.

Edited by HopalongCasidy
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that's what you get for taking a buzzard and a sniper rifle up a roof

waiting for an easy kill to come your way :D

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