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GTA Online is Awesome because...


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Ok so we are all here because we of this game. Hopefully we can all share something we like, love or appreciate. I would expect a few people to post something like "I love how I lost my Roosevelt" I get it, just keep it witty and tongue-in-cheek so we can laugh at the shortcomings while also posting what is right about gta online.

Now I'm not going to post a mega list to start so I'll share this:

I love the off the radar option. It opens up several scenarios which would be impossible otherwise. From rolling up on a bounty and trying to stay calm and drive like and NPC, to suicide bombing a tank, this is one reason gta online is awesome.

Edited by MrCamo
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It's awesome because we can live a virtual life we can never have IRL.

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It's awesome because we can live a virtual life we can never have IRL.

Yes, like after I get a ticket otw home from work I can come home and take it out on the piggies :)

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because I can pad my K/D by killing low rank defenseless players in my tank! :lol:


You wouldn't believe how many chicks I get when I tell them my gta v online statistics over a pint of coca-cola :p

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The open wilderness. The trees may be a little sparse but the cliffs, hills and rocks are what I've been waiting for since GTA IV.

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The diverse environments The architecture ..... setting bounties on people who kill me during my song , hiding in the underground tunnels with a bounty on my head ( listening to them curse over the headset when they cant find me is one of the finer points of the game ) Lastly having strippers delivered to my apartment .

Edited by kw.awsome
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the casino opening................*starts to cry* lol well my phoenix such sexy ride

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Because it's Grand Theft Auto V, online. There's. So. Much. To. Do.


To me, it's often the thrill of a 5* chase in contrast to a game of tennis or a bicycle ride up in Vinewood Hills. Also just flying a plane or chopper around the city until you find something more interesting and just jump out towards the next adventure.

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The map! Seeing actual locations/buildings from real life, and it's pretty darn accurate in a condensed sort of way, PCH, Big Sur, Chateau Marmont, Century City... Also all the naming, ads, brand name takeoffs. I feel there's a ton of creativity and realism that goes unnoticed by most.

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...One day I will own a chain of Cluckin' Bells throughout the greater Los Santos area.

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The randomness, one minute you're minding your own business modding a car or w/e, the next you're in a street battle with 3 guys vs half of the LSPD. You could be racing one minute, then back in FR you get an invite to an apartment and find six guys doing the dock at a stripper.

...One day I will own a chain of Cluckin' Bells throughout the greater Los Santos area.


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Red Lynx 23

It's way less hacked and ruined than Red Dead Redemption's free roam, and there's more to do than in RDR's solo sessions.

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I can live the life I want, big house fast cars sex with 10/10 hookers and not get diseases

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I can live the life I want, big house fast cars sex with 10/10 hookers and not get diseases

lol you can get diseases from the hookers, they show up as weird marks around your body

I can live the life I want, big house fast cars sex with 10/10 hookers and not get diseases

lol you can get diseases from the hookers, they show up as weird marks around your body
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It's awesome because it's GTA, now I hate a lot of things in GTA O but since you like seeing things positively, I think the funnest thing is having 16 players in one game, jumping off that metal thing on top of Mt. Chilliad with a parachute and looking above the radar to find "...... Committed suicided" repeated 16 times. Breaking in Fort Zancudo to explode from a tank while laughing at someone who got killed by a tank.

And it's funny because of all the glitches (not f*cking exploits), like the launch glitches and everything can be funny because you do them with a character that looks like a troll

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I enjoy jumping hills in cars and bikes. It's simple, I know, but I have been doing that since San Andreas and it's a lot of fun for some reason.

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Biohazard Abyss

I can mod in all the cars I want with custom paintjobs.

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The open wilderness. The trees may be a little sparse but the cliffs, hills and rocks are what I've been waiting for since GTA IV.

^ This. Something about roaming the virtual countryside is very therapeutic and at certain times of the day, visually stunning. That and taking anger out on the Coppers. I never get tired of that. They just keep coming back for more..

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20 cars, lotsa weapons, explosives and millions of $$$$s!! What's better than that??

It's the American dream!!

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I'm going to add that I just enjoy hanging with my friends. This game is a perfect medium for just hanging out and doing nothing. We often just cruise around and take pics of each-other doing jumps, and spend hours just free roaming.

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  • 2 weeks later...

one of the things i always liked in gta is the way were able to pull off sick ass stunts with almost any vehicle. i cant wait for those physics to come back. i really been wanting something new like skateboarding, surfing, or rollerblading. and a wingsuit too

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Misanthrope Z


because of the cars

And the big orange BALLS



i love balls :beerhat:

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