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Hey guys,


first off i'd like to say thanks to everyone who came to the meet last night, most people behaved great, i will remember the ones who couldnt stick to plan for next time,


also.. i'd like to say sorry to the 2 or 3 dudes who somehow got kicked from the session and then diddnt get invited back, i diddnt personally kick anyone, i dont know how this happened, and due to me having to keep telling people the most simple of instructions over and over my time was constantly taken trying to keep everyone together, so i genuinly diddnt realise who had been kicked and who had just decided to leave................again, im sorry, it was only my 2nd meet ive hosted, and there was alot on my plate,


also, a big thank you to soloman, lemonNloaf, money, bigkat, and a few others who really helped me hold it all together!


for anyone who diddnt have the ability to hear me giving instructions: what were you thinking? you simply cant go to an organised meet without being able to listen to the host? we managed, but it was difficult, im not naming anyone,




Here are the Official Photos:


to begin we all met at the airport, everyone on the bus:



we then drove the bus upto the golf course and ordered super cars only for a photo shoot on the grass:





we then took a drive along to vinewood race track for some one on one lap races stopping off for a photo on the way:



''Money'' making the sacrifice to smash this abandoned vehicle out the way of the track, big up Money!:









we then left the race track and piled 14 players into 4 sedans:



we then dumped the sedans on the highway and took to foot to go and rob/trash the store and take on the police:





LemonNloaf Dumping Lead on them!:



once we got rid of our wanted levels we ordered off road vehicles only and lined up ready for the hill climb:





we then parked up at the top of mount chiliad and has one on one fist fights, some not one on one! haha:





soloman and lemonNloaf giving a beat down:



we then jumped into our vehicles and all went tumbling down the mountain to the bottom:



we then ordered vehicles for drag racing (no supers) and went along to the airfield:











we then left the airfield and took a quick picture in a tunnel on the way:



we were then suposed to have a gang fight at vespucci beach, but the gang fight was not available, so we moved onto the maze bank to parachute off it:





picking up the choppers to lift everyone to the top of the bank tower:





Unfortunatly this is the last photo i got, when we went to parachute off the tower i clipped the building and fell to my death, leaving the rest of them lost as to where to parachute to, haha, then we parked up and ordered all vehicles to a big car park, but while ordering the vehicles my system crashed and i was disconnected, i tryed to re join, but everyone had given up,


i wasnt all that bothered, because it was very successfull upto that point... and it was only my 2nd hosted meet.....


what more could i want........ it went great...........


Thanks alot guys......


(p.s. i am now getting an idea of who is a trouble maker, who doesnt have respect for the headset/listening rule etc... i wont be inviting certain people again and i think i will actually be getting them removed from my friends list.... no big deal... i just cant be done with time wasters...... dont let your feeling get hurt if its you)


Big up all the 8 or 10 players who were great, i know who you are too for future!




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Ahhahahahaha some crackers there mate well done fantastic meet. I posted mine in other thread but il post em here too if u want

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thanks man! yeah! it went amazing, if i learnt anything from last night it is to simplify my next meet, still have lots going on, but making things easy as possible to move forward,


and yeah man, post them here to if you want,


your off road race was quality too! quite proud of how far i got that wee rebel! haha! with a bit of pushing help! haha

for anyone reading this, i will not be hosting another event/meet for around a month or so, i want to keep them extensivly planned out and make people look forward to them, all i need to do is make the next one live up to the standards of this one, but trust me, the next will be even better, and smoother, cheers guys, look forward to joining sombody elses meet soon, and sit back n take it easy! haha

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im also very strongly going to stay part of the JMSR crew, but i may start my own meet crew that i will invite qualified/ well behaved players to join, then in future i would just invite crew members only, they would need to have my crew as their active crew for invites, then change back to their original crew when no meets are on, i would be doing the same thing and changing mine back to JMSR after my meet was done and dusted,


just an idea to keep the meets well run, every now and them i would allow a new player to join the crew, and that player would need to prove themself or be kicked from the crew

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Yeah u did well mate haha! Gona be hosting some sultan off-roading this weekend. YeA I understood all u were saying I don't know how hard it is to follow simple instructions lmao was a great meet tho enjoyed it

How do u invite crew members only to a session btw? I know u can start a closed crew session but I seem to only be able to invite friends. How's it work

Oh n il be doing that busted thing I sent u I think

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Thanks for the meet, I was one that got randomly disconnected from the session, probably lag from the police wars, but anyway it was fun and I liked the planning that went into it.

P.S if I wasn't the couple that didn't listen very well, I didn't quite understand the accent all the time , but No ones fault there, I just haven't gamed with people across seas yet :/

I'd definitely be up for something like that again

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TezST, i would just start a new invite only session, then i would look through my friends in the pause menu, if there was friends online and they had the new crew active at the time i would just invite those ones, people would know when to be online and to have the crew active for that evening for e.g, i think that would work, not everyone from the crew would be able to be invited, but i would try to remember to invite the ones that missed out on the next one, i'd still make a list on the forum, for crew members to put their name down etc..


oh... that busted thing looks quality! gimmie an invite if im on man,


thanks adamaay, glad you enjoyed it man!


bryantjames44, yeah man, had a couple little issues with you not following instructions/ not hearing me, but nothing that caused a real problem, if anything, at least i can say you were one of the well behaved ones! dont worry, i'll give you a shout in future man, sorry again about the disconnecting problem, im as confused as you are at that, and im going to look into lessons on how to talk with an international accent! haha

cheers guys!

oh... if i start a crew for meets, i dont intend on letting the crew get too big, it will just be a tight knit crew, probably no more than 50 members roughly, people would be added and kicked quite regularly depending on how well behaved they were, how often they were online for meets etc... i would replace people with better candidates, ending up with a solid crew of great, well behaved, active meet members..............................well, thats the plan, but im not gonna start the crew for a while, i'll set it up for the next event/meet, in the next month or so....


cheers guys

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Hey roboman great pics bro, really enjoyed last night was a lot of fun. Me and lemon are gonna be hosting most nights for people to come and have FUN, we will be doing some cruising to different car parks, got to airport for parachuting den off for some drag racing and maybe a little bit of drifting den lemon will takeover for the off roading. .i will be online between 7-8pm sending invites to CREW members only.

Edited by Lsoloman112
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cool man, thats perfect! im normally on by 8pm, i get in from work, sort out some dinner, get our wee girl to sleep then the games begin! haha


cheers man, glad you enjoyed my meet!

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