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Catch Up on Races


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Why do people feel the need to choose super cars then leave catch up on? All it does is slow those at the front so those at the back can keep up :|

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Why do people feel the need to choose super cars then leave catch up on? All it does is slow those at the front so those at the back can keep up :|


theres kinda 3 groups


1) those who are scared of losing

B) n00b hosts who dont realise how to adjust lobby settings

iii) the few people who try and balance a race of different skill levels (therefore different performance unl0ocks) where customs are on, by leaving catch up on to make it more competitive.



theres a big racing community on here that prefer a more realistic experience and dont use catchup ever, then theres the really hardcore that dont use slipstream either...



personally if im hosting and trying to "blaance" a lobby with different levels/unlocks i prefer to turn customs off so were all rolling stock cars... but some people just love their shiny paint jobs....



id love the following in a race lobby


Customs On/Off

Performance Mods On/Off (which would toggle engine tuning, turbo, brakes, transmission)

Catchup On/Off

Slipstream 100%/50%/Off (as id like SS to work properly, but id compromise it to be 50% of what it is now..)





so you can have stock performance but still ahve the visual mods form your custom cars...

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Why do people feel the need to choose super cars then leave catch up on? All it does is slow those at the front so those at the back can keep up :|

I'll let the regulars flame u on this, but you do realize that your car slowing down is not only catch up, the game mechanics will slow u when rendering lags. Which happens most often in Super cars.

Edited by jcph3
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Why do people feel the need to choose super cars then leave catch up on? All it does is slow those at the front so those at the back can keep up :|

I'll let the regulars flame u on this, but you do realize that your car slowing down is not only catch up, the game mechanics will slow u when rendering lags. Which happens most often in Super cars.



im presuming the OP is meaning that he can see catchup is set to ON in the pre race lobby screen...


but your right about lag for sure

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Catchup is another awful idea


Too slow, bad driver? Don't race with pros then. Nothing made me more mad back when I raced than getting a huge lead and brig PUNISHED for it.


The racing in this game is great- no other game lets you race like this- total vehicular madness.


Anyone who used catchup should have to do twice as many races to unlock things.


And people who trade wins are SCUM!!

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I don't play if catch-up is on, there's no excuse for it, if you are bad then you carry on losing until you adapt, learn and improve just like everyone else.


Same with custom cars, if you don't have a fully modded car then you work your way up until you do, I didn't win 50 races and mod my car just so people play stock races.


Slipstream is a 50-50 thing, I don't like it but I'll play it as long as catch-up is off and custom on.

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Catchup is good for:


1. Making a race with drivers of varying skill levels more interesting.

2. Making straight-line races (The Commute, Long Haul) tolerable.

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I skip all catch up races


Then you can wonder why I smoke you when you try to REALLY race.


Learn how to drive.

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