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Don't ever enable guns in races!


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Red Lynx 23

And that's why I am reluctant to play with other members of my active crew.

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That's Auto Aim for you.



It'd be great if R* one day just made Auto Aim only work on NPC's instead of other players.

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Shooter has the mic from hell! Fun stuff. Can you turn the magical pick-ups off and just leave guns on?

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Tali vas Normandy


Someone did this in with a minigun in that 4 way map andddd yeah. Can't disagree with this

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I got stuck playing a 10 lap CR race with guns a while back.. friggen timer went to zero before I could escape. I got out after two or three laps, stood behind a telephone pole with my minigun and proceeded to destroy all moving objects. It's funny to me that the host and his friends were pissed off that I would even think of doing such a thing.

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That's Auto Aim for you.



It'd be great if R* one day just made Auto Aim only work on NPC's instead of other players.


They do every day in the free aim servers.

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lol someone did mowers on the horse track with guns... That was pretty fun and hectic, it's mind boggling as to why most were still racing.

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Well that is a stupid race to change to gta style to begin with. If done right they can be real fun. Try this one. It only allows Roosevelts and Z-types. With traffic and wanted levels on it's mass chaos. Like your Bonnie & Clyde. http://rsg.ms/NXHJlI

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Hanshot 420th

that looks like the perfect example of exactly when you should put GTA Mode on for a race... That looked awesome

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lol someone did mowers on the horse track with guns... That was pretty fun and hectic, it's mind boggling as to why most were still racing.

I actually made a lawn mower horse track race. I don't play it anymore because people just get off and shoot each other, it was pretty much a death match.

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This happened to me once. I've only played one race with weapons enabled and one guy was doing this. For months I though this was how it's supposed to be, like you can just get out of your car and start shooting. Then I tried using the content creator to take cool pictures of my cars and found out you can't exit them at all.

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if its a point to point it can be fun but if its a lap race then its pointless

a point to point rally for best results but sometimes its hard to get the numbers

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Shooter has the mic from hell! Fun stuff. Can you turn the magical pick-ups off and just leave guns on?

Not really, the closest thing would be to use created content that hasn't had pickups added.



Someone did this in with a minigun in that 4 way map andddd yeah. Can't disagree with this

I did it there but just with a carbine which certainly gave people a sporting chance...


That's Auto Aim for you.



It'd be great if R* one day just made Auto Aim only work on NPC's instead of other players.


They do every day in the free aim servers.


Not exactly - unless free aim servers have auto aim at NPCs....I wouldn't know, I'm an autoaimscrub myself.
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it's alway fun to do tunnel vision gta style. if you manage to get out front at the start you can just get off your bike at the end of one of the pipes, and blast everyone coming out of the tunnel while laughing hysterically. then you pick up one of the many bikes now laying around and speed towards your guaranteed win.

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