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We need elevators/stairs for the skyscrapers again.

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I dont know if you recall but GTA IV had those yellow markers in front of buildings to use to get to the top of them. V needs this. I mean those random parachutes on buildings would have an actual purpose and also, it would bring back that form of sniping. I dont know..in my opinion, the way it is currently, makes it feel simply like a large, opaque, pointless object. Anyone agree?


it would be helpful in escaping tanks and annoying supercar reversing people




and you know, just making the game more FUN

Edited by Killzone3265


it doesn't take more than 2min to get a heli and fly it up there



There's always at least one douche bag like this guy ^^


I am a douche? how come?

I answered OP's question


OP said about parachuting which obviously can be host from the job menu

also sniping? u wouldn't want to be gunned down from behind when sniping, hence teleporting from the ground to the roof is actually making sniping worse


for that matter u're the douche since ur post is a SPAM (in case u dont understand, it means Stupid Pointless, Annoying Message)


on the topic of parachuting, does anyone miss that little pop up on the screen telling everyone in the lobby how long/high your jump was? i do lol, i miss bailing out at the height limit in tbogt and making the fall last like 5 minutes, got some funny reactions to it

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