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6 Star wanted level


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If I recall correctly, GTA has always had up to 6 Star Wanted Levels... But for some reason they removed it from GTA V.


I was thinking... What if they did this in preparation for the supposed "Alien Invasion DLC". Maybe once they launch that, we'll have the 6th star back, and that'll mean you're being chased down by UFOs.


This is, of course, pure speculation, based on rumors. I think it would be awesome.

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I will pwn you newbs

UFOs would be lame. The army would be cool though. I thought with there being a military base and all they'd have the army come on 6 stars like in previous games.

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I'm thinking swarms of UFOs, maybe like the one Omega built from the spaceship parts... With freaking lasers!

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Salty_Yote aka SeaWallTx

while GTAIV may have had a 6 star wanted level it did not have the army come looking for you so it was really not a GTA 6 Star Wanted Level, so to me GTA:CTW was the last GTA with Army Tanks Deployed is the last GTA with a 6 Start Wanted Level.

As for UFOs if they do that then they are bowing to Saint Rows(a much crappier knock-off of GTA) and that'd would just be sad, I think all the UFO crap in GTAV is a making jokes at SR3.

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This like many other stupid things they did just boggles my f*cking mind,it would of been awesome trying to dodge tanks around Los Santos not just at the tiny military base.

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Cutter De Blanc

Six stars would be cool in some situations. Like doing one of those train rampages, and then they send out the P-996 Lazers with their AI with 90% accuracy and missiles to school your ass. Would be pretty awesome. Dogfighting the AI is awesome and tough. A shame you can only do it at Ft. Zancudo.

The enemy tanks though... those are rough. I wouldn't really want to have to contend with them much, they always seem to bring the party to an almost immediate halt.
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Six stars would be cool in some situations. Like doing one of those train rampages, and then they send out the P-996 Lazers with their AI with 90% accuracy and missiles to school your ass. Would be pretty awesome. Dogfighting the AI is awesome and tough. A shame you can only do it at Ft. Zancudo.

The enemy tanks though... those are rough. I wouldn't really want to have to contend with them much, they always seem to bring the party to an almost immediate halt.


Even though Trevor can hold off for a few seconds longer than Michael or Franklin due to his special.


I think they really should have just stuck to the 6 star wanted-level system, it was in pretty much every GTA game, why cut down now?

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If anyone else has a jtag they can change the police models that appear when you have 5 stars to the army. I made the tank appear with 2 stars and holy hell their aiming are top notch. deff makes the game more fun.

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Well, instead of Six stars we now have cops with superior aiming skills. Certainly more realistic than those Blobs in IV who looked they were enlisted from a donut shop. I mean, how did they pass the Police academy?


What was the difference between 5 and 6 stars in IV anyway?

Edited by Im2akillerfish
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Bit extreme the army coming after you in real life, I can understand why they dropped it for sake of realism. However it was really fun, but I think I speak on be half of all of us that the challenge at 5 stars is hard enough already lol

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Lethal Vaccine


Six stars would be cool in some situations. Like doing one of those train rampages, and then they send out the P-996 Lazers with their AI with 90% accuracy and missiles to school your ass. Would be pretty awesome. Dogfighting the AI is awesome and tough. A shame you can only do it at Ft. Zancudo.

The enemy tanks though... those are rough. I wouldn't really want to have to contend with them much, they always seem to bring the party to an almost immediate halt.



Well, in GTA III, VC, and SA when the Tank came after you, (I might be wrong in SA) the rockets wouldn't be used. They would just chase you inside the Tank, and eventually would get out of the Tank and try to bring you down with gun fire instead of the Tank Cannon. I may be wrong in SA, like I said above, cuz perhaps, I think I remember them using the Tank cannon, EXCEPT, their accuracy was terrible and never actually hit you. GTA IV didn't have a Tank, but in its DLC's it had that SWAT Tank thing, which was in SA. But unlike SA with the SWAT Tank shooting water, the one in the DLC's shot explosive bullet rounds...V brings back the Tank and like many have said, it does nothing but sit inside a military base patrolling the base instead of coming after you.


There's been numerous topics of this already, btw, and in the one from months ago I said I would of loved for the military to come after you, but simply do not use the Tanks cannon, or use it, but have poor accuracy. The Annihilator can use the machine guns, that wouldn't throw me off, and the Lazer and Attack Chopper could come, but only use the guns and not the rockets that lock on. I'd love to see the FBI also come after you like in past games, but considering that in V the protags. are basically friends with the FIB, that wouldn't sit right.


V's wanted system is sh*t and I am not even talking about NOOSE accuracy, that doesn't bother me at all. It's that all we find is police cruisers or interceptors, police transporter and riot, and the FIB SUV with NOOSE hanging off the side or Sheriff SUV with NOOSE hanging off the side in Blaine County. It's very boring to see the same old vehicles all the time.

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Rabid Vulpix

Maybe a 6 star option for GTA V would be law enforcement officers equipped with the bomb suit/juggernaut armor.

(The armor players wear during the Paleto Score/Robbery)



I think a group of AI cops charging in with that type of gear would be awesome!

Edited by Foreverpast
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