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things to do in gta online after getting money from missions?


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missions might be irrelevant after getting a couple mil so what do you think i should do :O

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spawn kill people with your tank but enjoy it while it lasts cuz after a few minutes your console will freeze up

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I usually go off radar and drive around in a very inconspicuous car or van that is rigged to explode,


Sneak up on somebody and catch them off guard.


Pretty fun way to pass the time.


I even bought a dump truck and drive it around when im bored. just for sh*ts and gigs I run over peoples stuff.


And when I see people glitching their cars in a public lobby... I rain on there parade and destroy everything.



You could try that..

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Blow up Ugotsmoked as you have his posts blocked :):santa:

Edited by LambentBunny
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Put it in the bank and appreciate it.

i meant like activities to do


You could play death train...fight bullies...help out other players depending on your rank...use your imagination...for me 2 mil is not enough...I enjoy making money constantly.

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Put it in the bank and appreciate it.

i meant like activities to do


You could play death train...fight bullies...help out other players depending on your rank...use your imagination...for me 2 mil is not enough...I enjoy making money constantly.



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Be a forward thinking person...I get to 10 mil then go below it fighing bullies or helping out crew mates...I am a bigger GTA fan than most and hope to get to rank 1000 legitimately within 3 yrs.

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More money is never irrelevant. If/When they ever open the casino, that will be one awesome thing to do and you're gonna need lots of $$$ for it, (presumably). Because I can't imagine R* having dollar antes, but who knows?

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I wanna be prepped for anything...mansions...2 million dollar cars...I dont enjoy FM anymore anyway...glitchers and squeakers.

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I wanna be prepped for anything...mansions...2 million dollar cars...I dont enjoy FM anymore anyway...glitchers and squeakers.

god i hate triple posters

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god i hate triple posters

It's a good thing he's a quadruple poster, then.

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