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can you only shoot with your pistol if you are in your car?


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Any pistol, throwable, and Micro SMG. Sawnoff on bikes and heli passengers

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You can throw grenade, stickies and that smoke grenade well

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You can also use the minigun while in the car, very effective

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You can also use the minigun while in the car, very effective


Plasma rifle is better. Doesnt have the fire rate of course but it packs a bigger kick. Also a litte lighter so it allows quicker movement of aim.

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I always thought throwing gang signs from a speeding vehicle was the most effective weapon.

Aside from the hieroglyphs of course.

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You can also use the minigun while in the car, very effective


Plasma rifle is better. Doesnt have the fire rate of course but it packs a bigger kick. Also a litte lighter so it allows quicker movement of aim.



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You can also use the minigun while in the car, very effective

Not true. But you can in trucks with beds



Plasma rifle eh? You wouldn't be into warhammer 40k are you?

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You can also use the minigun while in the car, very effective


Plasma rifle is better. Doesnt have the fire rate of course but it packs a bigger kick. Also a litte lighter so it allows quicker movement of aim.


Palsma* rifle


BFG-9000 is much better though to use in cars

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What is this?


Well... I'll answer anyway; no, you can use the uzi, most pistols (including the AP Pistol- best option IMO), grenades, sticky bombs and tear gas. Just hit the "Square" button on the PS3, and that same button ("X" I think) equivalent on the Xbox.


And honestly, this should be moved...



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its basically like when your at a computer and your parents arent home...


you can only use things one handed....

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I am able to use my lvl 17 bard nercromancer wizard powers in the car

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