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Watching TV in Apt gave me an outer body experience..wtf?


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Watching TV in Apt gave me an outer body experience..wtf?

Its happened a couple times past few nights.

After some racing I was kicking back in my Apt at Weazel Plaza watching the other players in the session on the tube and I think the player died or something and all of a sudden I'm in 1st person view floating above the street and cant move any where. I'm like WTF?? so Im able to pull up weapon wheel and start shooting grenades at some cars.

Sh!t blows up and I get stars and then the cops show up. They see me and are shooting at me but I'm taking no damage. Its like there's a force field around me or something. I can spin around but I cant move.

So I just sit there blowing up the cops and picking of headshots till I get 5 stars. So it gives me some RP and a fugitive award. Not sure how to get out of it so I kill my self and I just respawn around the corner in same state. wtf??

I tried jumping into mission from phone but i cant, so I had to leave session to spawn back in apt.

It happened again last night and I was much higher over street I think somewhere near my apt. Finally saw another player and sniped him in the body a few times to get his attention. I hit him but he didn't go down.. IDK?? At that point there was a sh*tload of cops and choppers around so I just kept blasting them. I sent the dude I shot a text to see if he saw me but he didn't respond.

I read somewhere on here it has happen to others and someone in another post saw someone floating in mid air in some sort of god mode.

All I can say is Weird Sh!t :blink::blink::blink:


IB4 No I wasn't smoking the bong or dropping acid and eating shrooms.. :karmaeater::karmaeater:

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Its fun to watch others game in close to real time. No one irl I know does this but me. I bet a few here do as well

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shrooms n' bong eh?


that happened to me a few times when I had the six car garage apt. but not in the ten car one.

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I've probably got at least an hour or two of watching other people... just before I log off for the night, sometimes I'll see if anything exciting is going on.

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Its fun to watch others game in close to real time. No one irl I know does this but me. I bet a few here do as well

I usually watch the tube when I'm too tired to play the COD Rightous Slaughter F&*kfest out in freeroam.. :rampage::rampage:

shrooms n' bong eh?


that happened to me a few times when I had the six car garage apt. but not in the ten car one.

The shrooms and bong? or the OBE?

Oh yeah!! skip the shrooms but I'll take the bong.

I don't know why there's no beer in the fridge of the 10 car apartments??

At least put some in the fridge of the garage. :bbq:

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The Gardener

Happened to me aswell. My guns did no damage though, but it was fun dropping grenades and confusing other players. After a few minutes there was 3 guys crowded around where I was floating. I dropped a sticky bomb and killed all three of them by accident. I hope I wasn't reported for hacking :(

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Yeah it has happened to me a few times since 1.11. I end up spawned halfway into the world and half in the tv. I can turn around and shoot but i don't see myself and can't move or exit.

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this happens when you're spectating/watching other players in jobs too

Edited by DiveGummi
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Happened to me as well,i left my character watching tv so i would not get booted from the session as i had to go to the shop quickly,i came back home to find this.


I am also at weasel but i did not try the weapon wheel i just went to the game store and backed out of it which spawned me correct in the world.

Edited by NeilNATO
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It happens when you get a mission pop up :) It's fun the first few times then becomes a pain when you just want to relax and watch people. :cry:

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This happened me twice now to, accept it was when i died in a mission with other's still playing it. There were no life's left, and instead of sendin me into the usual view of the players left in the mission, it started floating over the street and i could shoot my gun but couldn't move around or see my character. Once the mission was completed by the others it went into the voting menu as usual

Edited by Fahy13
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What a coincidence! This happened to me today.


About 7 hours ago.


Was invincible.


Though my bullets didn't do any damage. It would knock cops to the ground but they would never die.


Never tried blowing up a vehicle though.


Happened the same way. Spectating some players while using my phone. (Irl)

Edited by KevinMike323
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I gotta try that. I remember the first time I died I had an OBE, talked to an angel, none of what he said made sense.

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Happened to me during Survival.

I almost got kicked.

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Lee Everett

Its fun to watch others game in close to real time. No one irl I know does this but me. I bet a few here do as well


You mean Twitch.tv?

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grand theft spaghetti

ive had it happen to where im still inside the apartment only the entire apartment is empty space. like you said, somebody died while you were watching and the game freaks out. i didnt get to access the weapon wheel.


also once during survival all the players ended up being killed but a phantom player was on the minimap kicking ass. we respawn at the start of the next wave and we are like, what the f*ck was that all about? that was about a month after release.

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Well TVs are a bit glitched, I was on the CCTV and then I switched and while that no-signal screen was on some dude switched the TV off then I went to my window and the view distance was greatly increased(the fog just disappeared)

the game looked a lot better but it only lasted till I left my apartment



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Biohazard Abyss

Happened to me on Extradition and Los Santos Connection. I just shot cops until I eventually died, but I could only fire when aiming from certain angles.

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I will occasionally watch other players from the tv in my apt. It's best sending muggers after low levels (Also you get them a achievement :) ) But I find it interest to see how other players play the game.

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Happened on Los Santos Connection with the crew a while back. I died and spawned at the airport but I couldn't move, shoot or anything, I could just turn the camera.

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Don't know if there are videos about this on YouTube... doesn't really matter I guess... the YouTuber's will make instructional videos about this now.

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Dirt Diver 1

This happened to me as well, exactly like OP. I stayed like that until I completed the Fugitive platinum award. I had a friend invite me to his apartment instead of committing suicide. That got me unstuck and gave me credit for evading a 5 star wanted level.

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I remember a couple weeks back I was watching this guy run from the cops and when he died the screen went black and the game instant transmissioned my ass to that area.


Wasn't unkillable or floating though, just teleported.

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It has something to do with spectating, whether from a TV or joining a session as a spectator.


I was spectating a DM earlier tonite and the same thing happened to me

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Watching TV in Apt gave me an outer body experience..wtf?

Its happened a couple times past few nights.

After some racing I was kicking back in my Apt at Weazel Plaza watching the other players in the session on the tube and I think the player died or something and all of a sudden I'm in 1st person view floating above the street and cant move any where. I'm like WTF?? so Im able to pull up weapon wheel and start shooting grenades at some cars.

Sh!t blows up and I get stars and then the cops show up. They see me and are shooting at me but I'm taking no damage. Its like there's a force field around me or something. I can spin around but I cant move.

So I just sit there blowing up the cops and picking of headshots till I get 5 stars. So it gives me some RP and a fugitive award. Not sure how to get out of it so I kill my self and I just respawn around the corner in same state. wtf??

I tried jumping into mission from phone but i cant, so I had to leave session to spawn back in apt.

It happened again last night and I was much higher over street I think somewhere near my apt. Finally saw another player and sniped him in the body a few times to get his attention. I hit him but he didn't go down.. IDK?? At that point there was a sh*tload of cops and choppers around so I just kept blasting them. I sent the dude I shot a text to see if he saw me but he didn't respond.

I read somewhere on here it has happen to others and someone in another post saw someone floating in mid air in some sort of god mode.

All I can say is Weird Sh!t :blink::blink::blink:


IB4 No I wasn't smoking the bong or dropping acid and eating shrooms.. :karmaeater::karmaeater:


This same thing just happened to me as well and the circumstances are pretty close. Just as someone was killed I switched to their name and clicked it... found myself where he died halfway across the map in a firefight. I couldn't fire all my weapons and only in one direction for the ones that did work.

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This has been happening to me frequently. Usually it occurs during free roam. It really sucks because I like to send muggers, mercenaries, and put bounties on people as I watch the havoc on my TV at my apartment/garage.


Once, it happened while I was doing Sinking Feeling. I was the first to make it to the area next to SUVs, so I went in there guns blazing. I killed about 10 guys right before one of my teammates drove his car all the way behind the SUVs. He nearly ran me over, and because of the distraction I got killed by an enemy. While spectating that mission, the glitch happened. I pulled out my guns and started shooting. When I did that, I got a wanted level and once that happened I got curious. I wanted to see what would happen if I died again. The cops came and I let them kill me. Once that happened, I got a mission failure screen. Funny thing, for some reason dying after spectating caused a mission failure for everyone. I would have felt bad about that, but I didn't after what transpired earlier, HA!


It is possible to cause a mission failure for the whole team while in that invisible state. Just thought some would like to know.

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