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Los Santos Souljahs - Xbox 360


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We are Los Santos Souljahs. Nothing too serious. Our one and only task; Command&Conquer Los Santos and the surrounding areas. Some of us prefer bikes as our go-to ride, but we are prepared to roll with whatever fits our mission. Although a mic is highly preferred and not required, some form of communication is REQUIRED. (in-game text...ect.) The more you get involved, the higher you'll rise through the Hirearchy. I sit atop the crew with my brother as my #2. We currently only have 16 members so our ranks are still open for the taking. Ranks that are already taken may be challenged.

Find us by searching Los Santos Souljahs or MiracleMedia on the social club. Feel free to add me if you're interested in joining.

Kill or be killed.

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Please include a socialclub link in your original post. Use the EDIT feature, do NOT reply with a link. Thanks.

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