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why can i grind rr for hours but 15 minutes in free roam and my ps3 fr


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why can i grind rr for hours but 15 minutes in free roam and my ps3 freezes completely



youd think rockstar would fix this because it really doesnt lend well to "cash cards" amirite?

Edited by domispwnd
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Cloudserverslol is that you?

who is that and what font did you use to make the franceska verifed logo

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My console bricks at the most inconvenient times... even during missions. I'm done with this game until the next patch is released.

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who is that and what font did you use to make the franceska verifed logo

Don't worry, it's Classified or should I say, verified

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My console bricks at the most inconvenient times... even during missions. I'm done with this game until the next patch is released.

i havent had it happen during a mission yet


It's ps3...

no, this is happening on xbox as well i have seen several threads about it on the rockstar support forums (and then they get deleted)



who is that and what font did you use to make the franceska verifed logo

Don't worry, it's Classified or should I say, verified



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I've noticed public lobbies crash me out quite a bit, can't recall a crash from invite.

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My console bricks at the most inconvenient times... even during missions. I'm done with this game until the next patch is released.

i havent had it happen during a mission yet


It's ps3...

no, this is happening on xbox as well i have seen several threads about it on the rockstar support forums (and then they get deleted)

Lucky you.


Yep, it is on xbl too. They have been deleting every thread about it over at R* support. Lol and people expect this game to be released on the nex-gen consoles. Maybe GTA V, but not GTA: Online.

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Yes, R*'s amazing patch was the cause of this :)


Just in time for Heists!

Edited by Johacamigames
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Hanshot 420th

no ps3's arn't fit to run even the games from the last generation...It is a much better media player than my X-Box, but I only made the mistake of buying one title I actually wanted to play on it...after freezing, and crashing I just went ahead and re-bought the game for 360

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why can i grind rr for hours but 15 minutes in free roam and my ps3 freezes completely



youd think rockstar would fix this because it really doesnt lend well to "cash cards" amirite?


it happens to us xbox users as well. :facedesk::lol:

Edited by hugh750
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I can't even get into SP now...


Deleted all game data, restored corrupted data and rebuilt database and nothing..


Screen goes black as soon as I enter the game.

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no ps3's arn't fit to run even the games from the last generation

Thanks Bill for chiming in, say hey to Melinda for me..

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It's the latest patch.


I've had my console freeze maybe twice before 1.11 came out.


Now, It freezes at least 3x a day.

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