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How To Go Twice The Height That The Altitude Limit Allows You To


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1. Go into your save editor, and change your location to the top of Mount Chiliad.

2. Change your current vehicle to a helicopter. I used the Buzzard.

When your game loads,look at your radar. I'm not sure what the actual name of it is, but you'll see that it thinks you're at sea level. You can now go nearly double the altitude!!



That's Chiliad to your left.

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All you do is save your game onto a flash drive, edit it on your computer with the save editor, reinsert it into your console, and then load that saved game. No flashing or jail breaking.

Note: you'll free fall for a good minute and a half.

Edit: didn't realize you meant "banned" Figured "bammed" was slang for jail break or something

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Does your ps3 get bammed! ?

I'm 99% sure that it's undetectable if you only edit Single Player, Rockstar is only on high alert for cheaters in the Online mode.

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You can also use the moon gravity cheat, get on a parachute, and you can go as high as you want

Can you please give detailed directions? This seems interesting.
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You can also use the moon gravity cheat, get on a parachute, and you can go as high as you want

Can you please give detailed directions? This seems interesting.


Just enter the cheat, and done?

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Someone else who doesn't know left from right. It's a theme around here .

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You can also use the moon gravity cheat, get on a parachute, and you can go as high as you want

Can you please give detailed directions? This seems interesting.



Tested it, and it seems the most effective way is to pull back on the chute and then start turning. You'll do a quick upward corkscrew. I set something on the stick pointed down-left and did some other other stuff, Michael got pretty high up in the air. It took about three minutes of falling (disabled moon gravity for the fall) to reach the ground.


Next time i'm going to let him climb for a half hour or more, see what happens.



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