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$ Rims - why do you do it?


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Let me preface by saying:




As we all know, people associate $ rims on Chradders as the anti-christ of GTAO. I have a chradder because I hate myself and felt obligated to do it when I finally got an Adder. Now, I stopped short of putting dollar sign rims on because I think they are ugly, tacky, and something that has that "swag" to it should cost the most but its not nearly the cost of the high end carbon rims.


My question to those with these rims is why do you do it? I'm being honest. Is it because you like the look, is the feeling you get when you see dollar signs on rims, are you doing it as a joke, or are you doing it to be a douche? I'm not calling you a douche, just wondering why.



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For the attention it brings.

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The only way the Dollar rims would look good, in the least bit, is if we could make legit Donks/Bubbles like back in MCLA.


Other than that, most people just do it as a troll/lololololol im funny thing like with painting a car pink.

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the same reason i chrome everything

Compensation, right?

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There are some reasons:

1. They want to feel "rich"

2. They want to piss people (like you) off

3. Intended for trolling

4. They actually have horrible taste and and like dollar rims.

EDIT: Oh, and don't forget:


Edited by gear999
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I fail to see the direct link between $ rims and "chradders". I see plenty of different cars with $ rims on. All of which look ridiculously sh*t and are probably owned by 12 year olds who shouldn't even have the game.

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I fail to see the direct link between $ rims and "chradders". I see plenty of different cars with $ rims on. All of which look ridiculously sh*t and are probably owned by 12 year olds who shouldn't even have the game.

My experience has been mainly chradders with this rim...and its the uberdouche mobile. I'm just wondering if people do it to be douchey or genuinely like an unfortunately stereotyped item.

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There are some reasons:

1. They want to feel "rich"

2. They want to piss people (like you) off

3. Intended for trolling

4. They actually have horrible taste and and like dollar rims.

EDIT: Oh, and don't forget:



At least that one is chrome.

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#swagyolo i haz money look at me peasants lol umadbros.

The ironic thing is that they're not even the most expensive rims :lol:

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For the lolz, just make sure to paint em' hot pink or lime green

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Because I choose to.


Am I going to give any of you an exact reason? No.


Why? Because I choose to.


lol at the dread who said something about compensation. classic gtaf idiocracy

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Because I choose to.


Am I going to give any of you an exact reason? No.


Why? Because I choose to.


lol at the dread who said something about compensation. classic gtaf idiocracy



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I'd only use them on lowriders or other cars like tornado, peyote, emperor but since I don't own a lowrider I dont use dollar rims

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Because I choose to.


Am I going to give any of you an exact reason? No.


Why? Because I choose to.


lol at the dread who said something about compensation. classic gtaf idiocracy




Try harder. You're slacking lol.

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Black Rabbit


My question to those with these rims is why do you do it? I'm being honest. Is it because you like the look, is the feeling you get when you see dollar signs on rims, are you doing it as a joke, or are you doing it to be a douche? I'm not calling you a douche, just wondering why.



YOLO Hipsters trying to be edgy.

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Because I choose to.


Am I going to give any of you an exact reason? No.


Why? Because I choose to.


lol at the dread who said something about compensation. classic gtaf idiocracy




Try harder. You're slacking lol.



Sorry. :cry:

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Because I choose to.


Am I going to give any of you an exact reason? No.


Why? Because I choose to.


lol at the dread who said something about compensation. classic gtaf idiocracy




Try harder. You're slacking lol.



Sorry. :cry:


So true.

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To piss you off. You make it so easy by making threads like this.


I'm pissed off? I just said they're ugly. The people make them carry the stereotype of being douchey.

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Because you care enough to make a thread about it. You're just like those who get actually butthurt over it (chrome etc). It boggles my mind how much people care about aesthetics that are used by other people.

Edited by creamofpayne
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Because you care enough to make a thread about it. You're just like those who get actually butthurt over it (chrome etc). It boggles my mind how much people care about aesthetics that are used by other people.

I was inquiring because I didn't understand why. I don't like them at all, but they seem to pop up quite a bit for a rim I feel is one of the worst looking in the game, so I figured I'd ask what made people do it.


You can take out the rims and put in any item in the game thats popular and ugly....just these rims are at the top of the list.

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Fluorescent Blue $ rims with Chrome is all too enticing. I end up killing those that come after me and if someone does kill me I put a $9k bounty on their head. It's clean wholesome fun for the whole family.

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I fail to see the direct link between $ rims and "chradders". I see plenty of different cars with $ rims on. All of which look ridiculously sh*t and are probably owned by 12 year olds who shouldn't even have the game.

EXACTLY. So you attack me because I am perceived as a 12 year old and once you do attack me I either kill you or put a bounty on your head.

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