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did you guys have a gta online related dream? if so please tell us


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i haven't had any gta online related dreams, but have you guys ever had a gta online dream??

and yes i know it's a stupid question. :lol:

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i dream im having buttsecks with my female toon



anyone else?

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Sugar Free Nos

I had a dream that one day gtaf would be filled with interesting, informative, and discussion filled topics and threads.


The absence of topics like this one is what made me realize it was just a dream.

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I had a dream that Cris Formage came down and gave me the super secret code to the heists.

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Stun gun a bear, pick it up with a dozer, pick that up with a cargobob, bring it to LS and set the bear loose inside the casino.

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I only dream about homework and apocalypses these nights.


But I think I once had one of those 5 seconds dreams where I ran unarmed from another creepy player.

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If I'm going on a GTA Online playing streak, eventually it crosses from the TV into my dreams. Usually I only have the survival dreams, or a dream where I'm trying to escape from a tank via some sort of parkour.

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I was hoping for...



Now they just drop dead, dafuq :(

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Everyone does, whether they know it or not.


Hundreds of dreams happen a night, your brain can only dream about what it knows.


Also, every face you see in a dream, is a real person you once saw at some point.


Dreams are good. Kinda necessary too.

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Everyone does, whether they know it or not.


Hundreds of dreams happen a night, your brain can only dream about what it knows.


Also, every face you see in a dream, is a real person you once saw at some point.


Dreams are good. Kinda necessary too.

I dreamed about flying like a bird but I can assure you - even if it might appear unbelievable - that I never did that




jk you're pretty right on that one

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GTA Master 007

I've had a few races and death matches in my dreams, nothing too special. I always found myself either last or second, which is not the case in real life because 90% of the time I'm winning.

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I had a dream that one day gtaf would be filled with interesting, informative, and discussion filled topics and threads.


The absence of topics like this one is what made me realize it was just a dream.


I too have had this dream. I also dreamt that there were not hundreds of threads bemoaning tanks, cash cards and grinding and that these were all contained in one place where sensible people would never have to visit.

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who the fck dreams over a game?? seriously get a life lol

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If I play a bunch before bed my dreams are about reality but the mechanics are all GTA.. if that makes sense

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Anyone who has ever dreamed about a video game needs to put the controller down for a bit,

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The Lonesome Drifter

I once dreamed that I was a lspd officer about to go on a dangourous anti-terrorist operation to take out a tank in Downtown LS, I got blown up before I even exited the car :(


But ofcourse this was a daydream, an actual sleeping dream of mine usually involves Cheryl cole in some way ;)

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I dreamed there were heists. :p


In truth, yes, actually, I have had a number of GTA-related dreams, combined with themes of work projects and other pressing life issues, variously mixed together.


Mostly they are not bad dreams, and sometimes a bit insightful, but perhaps indicative of too much immersion. :colgate:

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Hanshot 420th

My girlfriend said I kept yelling at Trevor to get in the plane one night...Don't remember a thing

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I dreamt about griefing, weird thing is I never died. I've probably had more but conveniently forgot about them already.

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I've had one before, you can't control what dreams you have so chill out LOL.


Basically I was in a mix between a red Futo and an Entity and it had a giant spoiler on it.. I was chasing these dudes from the UK. It ended up getting all cinematic and it was basically a death race. As the dream went on, it saw my friend's usernames in the car I was chasing and just recall myself saying "Guys what the f**k.. comon". Obviously dreams tend to change and stuff and it turned into us having a breakdance battle. I remember most of the dream but it'll end up being a long story :3

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i normally dream about the game when i play really long sessions.


in one occasion i was attacking the armored truck that deliver the cash to the bank near my house.


in other occasion i was IN the game battling with other people.

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I had a dream that one day gtaf would be filled with interesting, informative, and discussion filled topics and threads.


The absence of topics like this one is what made me realize it was just a dream.


And then you came here and saw this.


On topic; Occasionally. Typically they involve things happening that never actually happen in GTA Online; teamwork, fun, characters that don't look like Methheads going through with withdrawals or wannabe hood rats.


That kind of thing.

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I had a dream that I was grinding a mission and I couldn't stop grinding. :(

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The Lonesome Drifter

I once had a dream where I was on these forums to long...

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I can remember an incident where I had an dream where I was my female character from GTAO IRL. Very strange.

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I had a dream that I was grinding a mission and I couldn't stop grinding. :(

Now this is exactly the way GTA0 feels -- a never-ending fever dream, doing the same race over and over and over. Except it's real. Well, it's virtual, but it's kind of real. :p

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