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ROCKSTAR SUPPORT ACTUALLY WORKS! Reimbursed for destroyed Adder&#3


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So I put in a request to Rockstar Support because my insured Adder was destroyed and I couldn't get it back.

Here is the original message and date requested:

Mar 02 09:49 AM:

Yesterday March 2, 2014 my fully loaded (100% armor/Turbo/engine level 2) Adder was apparently destroyed and when I logged on Xbox Live today March 3 2014 I had a message saying my Adder was destroyed and I should put insurance on cars to avoid this in the future. I had insurance on the Adder and I bought it with money that was earned in game, not glitched money. Please return my Adder if possible or reimburse me for the Adder? 1,200,000 would be a good price for a replacement, I have bought a shark card before so that should mean that I am clearly a paying customer. I hope to hear from someone soon at ----email----

Rockstar first replied on Mar 10 with the generic message below:


Thank you for contacting R* Games Support. We deeply apologize that you've encountered an issue with GTA Online. While we cannot guarantee a replacement of any missing items we can further investigate this to see what can be done.

If your car is missing please provide the following information so our Social Club Admin can investigate this:

-PSN/360 Name:
-Screenshots of any error:

Also answering the following, will allow us to be better equipped in giving an accurate response.

  • 1. What was the name of the specific vehicle?
  • 2. Did it go missing from a garage, or did it go missing from the world?
  • 3. Are these happening in association with other losses or are cars vanishing on their own?
  • 4. Did you have insurance on your car? Did you get a message about your car going to the impound?
  • 5. After it went missing, can you please let us know if you: A) looked for your PV (Personal Vehicle) icon on the map,, B) called Mohrs insurance,C) went to your personal menu and called for your car to be delivered,D) checked to the impound

We deeply apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. For the latest information related to GTA: Online status updates, please subscribe to:



I was pissed so I ignored it and then 7 days later I got another email from them saying the case was closed since I didn't respond. So then I responded to the email on March 18 at 4:07pm EST and Rockstar came back to me at 5:07pm EST saying they refunded me the purchase price of the Adder (1,000,000)!

So if anyone has a support case open with them I suggest you reply in a timely fashion and be patient because they might actually be able to help!

Edited by AnotherUnhappyCamper
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Even the most unreliable car in the world has to work at least one time, right?

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Well my character just lost ALL his weapons and full ammo. It's gonna set me back hundreds of thousands. So I hope the support actually works and they give me a refund.


EDIT: Scratch that, they're back, thankfully.

Edited by Arruda81
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Brock Elvis

A company actually gave a sh*t about their customers without recieving a benefit in the process? Rockstar is unique.

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I lost all of my in game money twice it was over 590,000 dollars combined I opened support tickets nothing ever happened.....get back to work and get a new one

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What? They only refund purchase price? What about the upgrades? I lost my Exemplar and the upgrades cost me as much as the car itself.

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1 in a freakin 5 million. I sent a ticket in december, got a useless reply followed by a close in late february.

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  • 3 weeks later...



Rockstar Support or just Rockstar Games in general is the biggest joke I've seen in my life...

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