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Do you get killed for no reason a lot even with passive mode


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Biggie Kaniff

Your sister? Usually it's "my friend".


What do you mean with that "you're black" part by the way? I have trouble understanding what you want with this post.

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and the dumbest thread of the day for today goes to this one

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well the question was do you get killed a lot even when you arent trying to be mean or kill anyone but nvm lol

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Passive pansies? Every once and a while I enjoy just driving around and doing random stuff with friends, so I enter passive mode to avoid combat. Problem is, players like joeboneless feel the need to shoot everything they see and it gets pretty annoying

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Passive pansies? Every once and a while I enjoy just driving around and doing random stuff with friends, so I enter passive mode to avoid combat. Problem is, players like joeboneless feel the need to shoot everything they see and it gets pretty annoying

well there is invite only sessions for ya Edited by s1ckmad3
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Passive pansies? Every once and a while I enjoy just driving around and doing random stuff with friends, so I enter passive mode to avoid combat. Problem is, players like joeboneless feel the need to shoot everything they see and it gets pretty annoying

you do know passive mode is useless while in a vehicle , right?

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Passive pansies? Every once and a while I enjoy just driving around and doing random stuff with friends, so I enter passive mode to avoid combat. Problem is, players like joeboneless feel the need to shoot everything they see and it gets pretty annoying


Oh sh*t, joeboneless is actually playing the game the way he likes. God forbid he do something you don't like.


sh*t happens. People die. Hell, I was chillin on the side of the road, hoping to find a car that I have been looking for when some dude just came by and smart bombed me and my ride. Made me chuckle..


Oh, and Clay Aikan wants his phone back.

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Passive pansies? Every once and a while I enjoy just driving around and doing random stuff with friends, so I enter passive mode to avoid combat. Problem is, players like joeboneless feel the need to shoot everything they see and it gets pretty annoying


Oh sh*t, joeboneless is actually playing the game the way he likes. God forbid he do something you don't like.


sh*t happens. People die. Hell, I was chillin on the side of the road, hoping to find a car that I have been looking for when some dude just came by and smart bombed me and my ride. Made me chuckle..


Oh, and Clay Aikan wants his phone back.



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Passive mode is a joke. INVITE ONLY SESSION. Friend session. Crew session.


I have seen an orgy of death turn into total teamwork when one person on screen goes passive. everyone went for him, they smelled blood in the water. He ran on top of an oil Derrick, we called in a chopper and cut him down with its blades.


I love riding my bmx and beach bike. I NEVER do so in public lobbies though- suicide!!!


Call me a jerk, it's your fault in the end. See you in Los santos pansies!!!!!

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Enabling Passive mode is why you get killed! That is the Reason!!


Too many people abusing it, the griefers have put a big giant target on anyone that uses it!


Until R* fixes it, dont use it

Edited by jcph3
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getting killed for no reason in this game is "because that's how the game was meant to be played" - which is why I have been in invite only for the past 3 months

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Never had the problem of people mowing me down while in passive mode .

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Passive mode can be useful for short periods and if used right. Like not in a car or on the road where you can get run over. It's called passive mode, not "leave your brain in the ditch mode".

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I was playing a kid the other day that shot at me, it was 6-0 to me and I left him, he passive moded and went straight to his tank, i got him mugged from this and he passive moded and ran to his apartment and when it was clear ran out to get another tank, he repeated this 4 or 5 times as other people were destroying his tank.


That's why people don't like passive mode.


I tend to avoid it but sometimes the spawns can be terrible and if someone is high up they can instantly spawn kill you so in that situation i use it to get to cover and then turn it off.


Generally though you should avoid passive mode in a public game.

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Passive mode is such a joke I can't beleive people complain about getting killed in GTA like really? What did you think you bought, the sims?!

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When I rejoin public lobbies, I will be ready for war, full candy bars, full ammo on minigun, full body armor.

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Never enter a free roam unless you are ready for war. You want to have fun with friends, invite only it's simple. You and the people you trust will be the only ones.


I killed some guy in passive mode 4 times this morning it was great. I live paying their hospital bills!

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I'm going to say something to fly in all your faces. I use passive quite often in free roam. Now I expect grief, but since I know how to get across a city on foot without being killed, it works for me. The expectation is that passive makes you invulnerable. While this is true for random shooting what you effectively become is a ped (just a bit less vulnerable), so being run over is always possible. I find passive alright for annoying others and going about general business.

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I only go passive when in a clothes store. One time I was just minding my business and some guy comes in a pumps me with the shotgun LOL scared the sh*t outta me I spilled my damn kool aid.

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Make friends. Play with friends. Invite only.


Make friends. Griever griefs you. You and friends proceed to destroy griever and griever runs away to pick on some other poor slob who could use this advice.


All else fails. Invite only and JOBS!

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Death to all passive mode players . This feature needs to be removed from the game , nothing annoys me more than someone in a tank killing you an when you get them out of there tank they passive immediatly like little bitchs , excessive use of passive mode should count towards bad sport points or just remove passive all together , if you cant handle it then there is always invite only sessions or other games like hello kitty for you passive mode pussies

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I use passive mode, never really had any one greifing me..

If you like a particular mission/race.. And don't want to have to go to far away from it (while your rolling a doobie for example) then a quick spot of passive, up onto a ledge, roof, shelter etc and your free to roll and re-start the race you want, with out having to leave and join another session and then drive back again..

Plus it annoys the sh*te out of some people, which in turn makes me chuckle, watching them trying to ram cars up walls to run me over.. Good luck with that....

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BTW if someone kills you with a tank, bar running you over, you are automatically taken out of passive or at least that happens to me. If you show aggression you are removed from passive (with the aforementioned exception). As for being in passive I laugh at the ones trying to kill me. Also, with roof top rumble being the go to money maker, there are a lot of griefers spawning at martins of late. If you simply take the walk way to the left of his house, you escape car griefers and get a beautiful view of the city.

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Passive mode can be useful for short periods and if used right. Like not in a car or on the road where you can get run over. It's called passive mode, not "leave your brain in the ditch mode".


True dat.. I was in a lobby the other night, I immediately had two guys trying to kill me as soon as I came from my garage. I was able to speed away without being killed but they followed me and kept shooting. I enable passive mode while driving, pull up to my rooftop sniping position, jump out and begin climbing the ladder. All the while they're still shooting and I'm still laughing at the pitiful homicide attempt. I stop just before I reach the top and disable passive mode. As the timer ticks to 0, I climb over the top and place a sticky by the ladder and take cover. First guy comes strolling up like everythings all good and BAMM. He's off to visit Jesus while his body falls to the ground lifeless. I place another sticky and run back to cover. The second guy was wise to my sheme and managed to blow up the sticky bomb. It proved to be a useless action as I pumped him full of Assault Shotgun lead as soon as his head appeared atop the roof. They tried for about 10-15 minutes to get to me before finally giving up.

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