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Does the buzzard spawn during missions?


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it spawns in free mode for me, i am at lvl 60. but i would like to know if it spawns during missions.

Thank you.

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Some missions, but they are usually scripted. If you want a buzzard for missions, buying one is the best bet.

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it's so expensive, it will take me forever to buy one, because i only play Gta online during the weekend...

well bad luck for me.

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it spawns in free mode for me, i am at lvl 60. but i would like to know if it spawns during missions.

Thank you.

Only when a Buzzard is specific to a mission (part of a mission).


This is why the Buzzard is the best purchase you can make on GTA V Online. If you own the Buzzard than you can use it for any mission (just be careful of the missions where you can't blow certain things up).


If you buy the Buzzard, just call Pegasus at the start of the mission and it will spawn somewhere (it will show on the map)

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it spawns in free mode for me, i am at lvl 60. but i would like to know if it spawns during missions.

Thank you.

Only when a Buzzard is specific to a mission (part of a mission).


This is why the Buzzard is the best purchase you can make on GTA V Online. If you own the Buzzard than you can use it for any mission (just be careful of the missions where you can't blow certain things up).


If you buy the Buzzard, just call Pegasus at the start of the mission and it will spawn somewhere (it will show on the map)


hmm how the hell do people save up for a buzzard, it will take me forever...

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It does take a while to make enough money to buy a buzzard legitimately. I had bought one from grinding missions, and the other after I was gifted billions of dollars. There are still money glitches, so there's always that way.


Anyways, use the Questions & Answers thread for quick questions like these.

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