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Online Suggestions

Chaperon Noir

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Chaperon Noir
I shot an email earlier to [email protected], might as well share the content here. Some suggestions have a strong impact on the gameplay, your opinions are welcome.


Add a "Ready" button. It won't be required to start the game, but now the host has a way to know everyone is tooled up.
Implement a chat box. For those who don't have a mic.


Getting out while holding the D-pad down will keep the engine running.



Expand the UI when in a vehicle as a passenger, holding Square/X brings up a radial menu just like the radio.
Have the game remember our loadout in the next session.
Using silenced weapons makes you difficult to spot. I know this may lead to an abuse, perhaps having it deteriorate over time -like the real ones- could alleviate the thing.

Radar / Map:

An option to filter activities showing up.
Redesign the dot color system entirely. Players set themself a crew to display in session, the game then match crewmates with a unique color. That way players can tell who is who in the heat of the action.
Survival / Missions:
An option to toggle off aim assist in the lobby screen (1.75x RP).



Memory function in personnal cars. For our favorite station or to simply keep it off.



Add a health kit. We can have the green juice regenerates health as well like a can of Sprunk.
Add a weapon stash. We are professionals now.
Because a picture is worth thousand words : http://imgur.com/a/IqcNL
And finally, the return of the camera shoulder swap. I suppose the reason it got removed is that R* ran out of buttons, that's why in this concept the swap only works while aiming: to preserve /telephone controls, /hack and /detonate C4.
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theres a pinned thread for this already


actually no there isn't

Edited by gnad.1992
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Well... there's already a ready button. Didn't read the rest cause I'm assuming you just listed other features that are already in the game?

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Well... there's already a ready button. Didn't read the rest cause I'm assuming you just listed other features that are already in the game?


He's not talking about a ready button for races and the like. A ready button on the mission launch screen so players join late have a chance to buy ammo and armor then hit a ready button so the host knows everyone is ready before launching the mission.

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Chaperon Noir

Let me know if this was the wrong place.


Next time you don't read something don't answer, because you won't be taken seriously.

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That "chat box" would be full of 12 year old squeaky kids typing things like "willy" and "poo" and the "i had your mum last night" insults.


Worst idea ever.

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It takes me ages to type with that on screen keyboard but I guess it'll help pass the time or you could taunt your opponents with quick jibes.

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Chaperon Noir

Chatting with a game controller ?

That'll work well.

That'll work the same as sending a text via the telephone ingame, never intended to fully replace the mic.


That "chat box" would be full of 12 year old squeaky kids typing things like "willy" and "poo" and the "i had your mum last night" insults.

Worst idea ever.

Kids are already doing that on the mic, would you call voice chat bad too ? Having a chat box couldn't make it worse as much as beeing useful with other people you meet and befriend.

It's always a shame to simply scrap something due to the possible abuse.

Edited by GoldenVein
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That "chat box" would be full of 12 year old squeaky kids typing things like "willy" and "poo" and the "i had your mum last night" insults.


Worst idea ever.

There'll be more sausage in that "chat box" than there is in your avatar

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Well... there's already a ready button. Didn't read the rest cause I'm assuming you just listed other features that are already in the game?


He's not talking about a ready button for races and the like. A ready button on the mission launch screen so players join late have a chance to buy ammo and armor then hit a ready button so the host knows everyone is ready before launching the mission.



Yeah except you get to buy ammo/weapons in the next screen too and guess what? There's a ready button there...

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Well... there's already a ready button. Didn't read the rest cause I'm assuming you just listed other features that are already in the game?


He's not talking about a ready button for races and the like. A ready button on the mission launch screen so players join late have a chance to buy ammo and armor then hit a ready button so the host knows everyone is ready before launching the mission.



Yeah except you get to buy ammo/weapons in the next screen too and guess what? There's a ready button there...


What? There is one screen when launching a mission. There is no next screen. You join the hosts game. You can buy weapons/ammo. Host launches game. One screen.

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I agree with the survival part $20k just isnt cutting it anymore especially when missions like defender, rooftop rumble, and coveted pay just about as much and only take 1/4 the time. I mean the money or rp is good when you are below rank 20 but after that its just pointless doing them.

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Got some pretty good ideas there. Especially the passenger weapon in a vehicle. May as well have it so they can use more weapons than the driver, like how players can in the back of vans.


Also, would it kill to have the audio icons next to player names when you press Down on the D Pad to see who's talking instead of pausing and going to players?

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Well... there's already a ready button. Didn't read the rest cause I'm assuming you just listed other features that are already in the game?


He's not talking about a ready button for races and the like. A ready button on the mission launch screen so players join late have a chance to buy ammo and armor then hit a ready button so the host knows everyone is ready before launching the mission.



Yeah except you get to buy ammo/weapons in the next screen too and guess what? There's a ready button there...


What? There is one screen when launching a mission. There is no next screen. You join the hosts game. You can buy weapons/ammo. Host launches game. One screen.



There's always been two in my game. Not sure which one you're playing.

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Well... there's already a ready button. Didn't read the rest cause I'm assuming you just listed other features that are already in the game?


He's not talking about a ready button for races and the like. A ready button on the mission launch screen so players join late have a chance to buy ammo and armor then hit a ready button so the host knows everyone is ready before launching the mission.



Yeah except you get to buy ammo/weapons in the next screen too and guess what? There's a ready button there...


What? There is one screen when launching a mission. There is no next screen. You join the hosts game. You can buy weapons/ammo. Host launches game. One screen.



There's always been two in my game. Not sure which one you're playing.


Are you hosting these games?

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